10 Important Things Christian Women Need To Start Doing
About a couple of years ago I wrote a blog post about 7 important things Christian women need to stop doing, and it got me thinking…what are some things that Christian women need to START doing?! What is it that Christian women aren’t doing already (or are struggling to stay consistent with) that they really need to start implementing into their lives/daily routines?
So this is an encouraging post for those in the faith, no matter how long you have been a born-again Christian for. We are all God’s children and all part of the same family. Although we live different lives and walk down different paths, the end goal is always the same: to live a life that glorifies God and fulfills His purpose and Will. I mean, after all, we are created in the image of God and made to glorify Him on Earth!
Here are 10 important things that Christian women need to start doing each day!
Christian Women Need To Start Reading Their Bible Daily
I know that so many Christians will tell you the exact same thing, whether it’s in Church, from a friend, or on social media, but it can never get old. Reading your Bible daily is of paramount importance. It nourishes the soul, and it draws you closer to God. If you want to have a deeper connection with God, and truly hear from Him, and learn more about Him and His creation, then you need to spend time in The Word each day.
Choosing to read the Bible daily (especially when you don’t feel like it, or are struggling to understand/get past a certain scripture or chapter) takes discipline. I’m not sure if you have noticed, but oftentimes when I read the Bible, I struggle a lot with concentrating and taking in what I am reading.
The devil will try to distract you, make you lose your concentration/focus, and you might even feel sleepy or unmotivated to continue reading the Bible. This is all part of spiritual warfare. It is just another sneaky tactic by the devil to discourage you from reading/understanding the Bible.
But you can push past that! Set up a daily routine that works around incorporating daily Bible reading/study.
2. Christian Women Need To Stay In Prayer Each Day
Again, another repetitive, yet important thing that we, as Christians, need to start doing each day. Prayer is the direct form of communication between yourself and God. It is another way to get to know Him better, and to strengthen your relationship with Him. After all, He wants you to have that relationship with Him.
So how can you stay in prayer each day? You can set aside time each day to pray (even if you have a prayer closet – which is a neat idea!) or you can simply just talk to God whenever – whether out loud, or in your head. God knows your thoughts, and the thoughts of your thoughts!
From the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to sleep, there is no limit to the number of times or ways to speak to God in prayer.
3. Christian Women Need To Live A Life That Pleases God
Everyone has a unique journey on their walk with Christ. From the moment you become saved and born-again, your life changes for the better. But there are many struggles and hardships that new Christians, in particular, will come across. Keeping yourself from your old ways/sins, and living in the spirit for God is something that takes a lot of time, maturity and discipline.
When I first got saved, I wasn’t living a great life. I was still fornicating, lying, swearing, worrying too much and so on. It took a few years to finally snap out of this sinful, worldly lifestyle that I kept myself in, even once saved.
Everyone’s stories are different. For some, people will completely remove themselves from their old sinful ways and completely start a new life, in the realest sense of becoming born-again.
I want to encourage you to reflect upon the life that you are currently living and see if there are changes that need to be made in order for you to move yourself further away from the world and from living in the flesh, to living a more spiritual, Godly lifestyle that pleases Him and fulfills His Will in your life.
4. Live Your Life, Not Somebody Else’s
There are too many times than I can count where I have spent comparing myself to others, hating myself and trying to follow in the footsteps of somebody else.
God created each and every one of us uniquely. There is no one else like you. God’s purpose and plan for my life is different to yours, and that’s okay.
We need to stop comparing ourselves to others, whether it is through looks/appearances, or the kind of life they are living or how they are living their life, to trying to copy the ways that somebody else does things in their lives. We need to start living OUR lives, and not somebody else’s.
Social media does this for many women (including myself). I am not afraid to admit that I have compared myself to other Christians in terms of looks and how they are living their lives versus how my life is going. And let me tell you, it is such a waste of time. They are living their lives. I am living mine. What they have going on is none of my business. What God has for me, is for ME, and nobody else (and vise versa).
The devil would love for you to get all caught up in this game of comparison and covetousness (wanting something somebody else has). This is where you need to keep your guard up, especially in the mind, and never let satan win. He is a liar and deceiver. He will manipulate you and use you to bring you down and drag you away from God.
Go live your life according to God’s Will, and not through shadowing somebody else’s life.
5. Act Modestly
Modesty isn’t only just about how you dress. It is about the way you present yourself in terms of your behaviour/demeanor.
The Bible talks about women dressing themselves in modest apparel (1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Timothy 2:9-10; 1 Peter 3:3-4), but there are other characteristics a woman should have that go hand-in-hand with overall modesty. For example, practicing the fruits of the spirit such as self-control, having a quiet and meek spirit, being loving and respectful towards others and showing honesty and kindness.
Dressing modestly is less about ourselves, and more about honoring God.
6. Trust God to do His Job
I saw this quote the other week that said that when we start to worry about the things we have prayed about, it means that we aren’t trusting God to do His job. It really hit home for me. How many of you are praying about something then continuing to worry about it afterwards?
We need to put our complete trust and faith in God alone and truly BELIEVE that He will do His job! And in doing this requires complete surrendering to Our Creator.
7. Follow What The Bible Says
This cannot be talked about ENOUGH! We are at a point in Christianity where people don’t even care if you can back it up with scripture. Their feelings/emotions and desires override what the Bible clearly says. They do not follow Christ, they follow their own selves.
If you want to truly live a life that is pleasing to God. If you want to draw closer to Him and become more like Christ and less like the world, then you need to study the scriptures and follow what the Bible says, regardless of your (or anybody else’s) feelings/desires. The Bible goes against man’s desires. It wasn’t written to please the flesh, it was written for us to submit to, follow and glorify God.
8. Engage In Personal Development
It is so important as Christians to go through some personal development, especially if they have gone through some hardships in their lives. Take me for example: I was in a really bad relationship for over three years, and when I left, I spent a lot of time healing, and moving on from it all. It took many years for me to get into the place where I am now and it is all because of Jesus.
Personal development for Christians doesn’t have to be this worldly concept. It is something where you spend time working on things that you need improving on, whether it is a particular sin or desire that you are struggling with, or healing from a bad relationship, growing in a season that you are currently in, and so on.
Whatever it is that you are going through, spend some time actively growing and maturing in the faith, working on things that are you struggling with or dealing with, through prayer, scripture, worship, attending Church etc.
9. Have A Christ-Like Mindset
Having a Christ-like mindset is of paramount importance for Christians. We have to let Christ be the center for our thoughts/beliefs in our mind. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 2:16 that we have the mind of Christ. This means that we share the same perspectives and understandings of God’s plans and purpose for us. It also means that we share the same kind of compassion, obedience and need for prayer as Jesus.
The mind is a breeding ground for negative thoughts/feelings/desires and attacks from the devil. So many times throughout the day, I will have all kinds of negative thoughts that run through my mind, from bad thoughts about myself (most often about my appearance), to thoughts of comparing myself to others, anxiety, overthinking, stress and so on and so forth.
When we are setting Christ as the center focus for all of our thoughts, we then have to cast down all negative thoughts that are not from God. Paul tells us to cast down imaginations that go against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5). It isn’t simply a matter of trying to ignore the negative thoughts/beliefs that enter our mind, but rather, making sure that we cast them out so we do not leave room to entertain them.
Practicing this daily will help improve on bettering your mindset and making sure it is a Christian-led mindset.
10. Always Put God First
Cut out all distractions. Remove anything/anyone from your life that will drag you away from the presence of God. Put God first, ALWAYS.
From the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to bed, God must always come first in your life. Everything that we do is for His glory. It doesn’t matter if it is folding laundry, cleaning the bathroom sink, playing outside with our children, going for a drive or going to work. There are always countless ways to honor God and put Him first in all that we do.
What are some ways that you can put God first and glorify Him each day?
Final Thoughts On Things Christian Women Need To Start Doing
I pray that this encourages you today to truly focus on your walk with Christ and to draw closer to Him. It is one thing to talk the talk, but we as Christians need to walk the walk. Walk by faith. Be the light of Christ shining in the darkness. Honor and glorify God in all that you do each day. Dress and act modestly. Love God, love others. Never let the devil win over any space in your mind. Focus on Jesus and not the things of this world.
God Bless.
Need more encouragement? Grab a copy of my latest devotional e-books!
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Learn all about finding your identity and worth in Christ alone!
How To Become A Proverbs 31 Woman In The Modern World!
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Really appreciate this post …
It has really motivated me to have a mindset like Christ and cast away my distractions
I would really love to follow more of ur publishings… Thank you and God bless u too 😊
Oh praise God so happy to hear!