30 Spiritual Goals Every Christian Should Have
First off, I want to say a Happy (belated) New Year to you all! I hope that you had a great time celebrating the new year. If you are like me, you see a new year as a chance for new opportunities to come about and new chapters to be written in your life. It gives you a chance to start a fresh with a new set of resolutions or goals to achieve, and a fresh state of mind to stay hopeful on what the new year will bring for you.
One of the most important things that we are to remember in the new year is that our walk with Christ is the our first priority. We need to make sure that we are staying focused on growing and maturing in the faith, and putting God first in all things. A great way to stay focused on our walk is to set spiritual goals.
What Is A Spiritual Goal?
A spiritual goal is something that encourages spiritual growth. It is like a new year’s resolution, only it is solely focused on helping you grow and mature in the faith. For example, for many Christians, they want to read the Bible in a year. That is a spiritual goal because it promotes opportunity for Christians to study and read the Word, and mature in the faith as they learn more about God.
The Importance Of Christian Women Creating Spiritual Goals
I have only heard about spiritual goals in recent times, but I am glad that I have learned about it because it is so important for Christian women to create spiritual goals of their own. When we start a new year, we have a fresh start to focus on God and our faith in Him. By setting up spiritual goals, it is encouraging us to stay determined, and focused on what truly matters the most. We can set aside things that are of this world, and create new opportunities to put God first in all that we do, including our wants and desires for the new year.
Spiritual goals encourages spiritual growth and allows there to be room for improvement on any new areas in our Christian walk that we want to work or expand on. These goals allows us to draw closer to God as we are putting Him first in all things that we set out to achieve. We are making it possible for ourselves to be intentional about our spiritual growth. God should always be our number one priority and as such, establishing spiritual goals allows us to focus on that top priority.
We want to grow and mature in the faith as Christians (especially if you are a babe in Christ and want to move on from milk to meat). Let this year be a year of being intentional with your spiritual life and make good use out of your time here on earth. God has gifted you another year of life. Setting up spiritual goals is going to keep you on track with getting closer to God and reminds you of your purpose here.
Here Are 30 Spiritual Goals Every Christian Woman Should Have This Year:
1. Put God First
First things first, put God first in all things, no matter what. He is the reason that you are here today, and should be your number one focus when achieving spiritual goals this year.
2. Draw Closer To God
Setting spiritual goals aims to help you draw closer to God. It is a great way to build upon your relationship with our Lord and Savior.
3. Start Journaling
Journaling is a great way to let everything out of your mind onto paper. It is a fantastic way to start or end the day, and will help you on your spiritual journey in the faith.
4. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude is so important for Christians to practice because it encourages us to show more appreciation towards God for everything that He has done for us and blessed us with. Learn more about Christian gratitude here.
5. Read The Whole Bible
Ever wanted to read the entire Bible from OT to NT, but haven’t yet? Well, it is a new year, so why not set up this goal to achieve? So far, I have read almost the entire NT again, and will go back into the OT shortly. Subscribe to my free resources library where I have some Bible studies available for you!
6. Try Fasting
Have you ever fasted before? This is another great opportunity for you to draw closer to God through fasting. Whether it is an official fasting where you only have bread and water for a certain period of time, or fast from other things such as social media (and any other distractions) to help you focus on God first.
7. Set Healthy Boundaries
This is so important. We need to make sure that we set healthy boundaries for ourselves. Don’t let bad people in, and cut out any kind of toxicity from your life. Learn to say no. Only do what you are comfortable with doing in your life.
8. Learn To Be Content In All Things
My word for the year is contentment, so this is a very important spiritual goal for me. I want to learn to be content in all things, just like it says in Philippians 4:11. No matter what is happening or what you are personally going through, learn to be content.
9. Find A Great Church To Attend
If you haven’t already, finding a great Church to attend this year can encourage you in the faith. Just be weary though, because not every Church is going to have sound teaching or sincere Christians. Test the spirituals and be on guard.
10. Volunteering
Volunteering will help you draw closer to God by giving back to others. Being selfless and spending your time on helping others is very charitable.
11. Start/Join A Bible Study Group
Starting your own or joining a bible study group is a fun way to get to know other Christians whilst also learning more about God and His Word.
12. Use Your Discernment
Stay vigilant and use your discernment when going to a new church or bible study group, making friends and interacting with others. Discernment is very important, especially for Christian women, to use in our day-to-day lives. It protects us from letting bad people or spirits in to our lives.
13. Establish Spiritual Growth
Like I have said before, spiritual goals creates spiritual growth. This is the goal that you want to achieve this year: building upon your faith.
14. Prayer Journal
Have you ever started a prayer journal before? It is where you write down peoples’ names and prayer requests so that you can pray for them. It is a great way to learn to pray more and to pray for others, too.
15. Find Your Purpose
If you don’t know what your calling or purpose is yet, perhaps this year is your year to find that out. Talk to God, pray to Him daily, and do His Will. Allow Him to guide you on the straight and narrow and to help you find your purpose in life.
16. Have A Tech Detox
This is so important to do every once in a while, especially if you are on your phone more than in the Word. Take time out of the week where you don’t check your phone or social media, and you put God first.
17. Live Without Fear
Learn to live without fear. I was reading the 1 Book of John recently and it says that God is love, and perfect love casts out all fear. There is no fear in love. We need to learn to live without fear and solely be driven by love, by God’s love.
18. Share The Gospel With Others
Jesus commanded us to go out into the world and preach the word to others (Mark 16:15), and that is what we should be doing this year! Whether it is face-to-face or online, one way or another, you are sharing the gospel with others and planting seeds.
19. Strengthen Your Trust In God
This year is a year to strengthen your trust in God by putting Him first and allowing Him to guide you. Trust is very important to establish with God. We need Him to know that we believe in what He says to us, and trust that His Word is true and that we will receive what we ask for in prayer. There will be times when we won’t get what we pray for, and that’s okay. We need to still learn to trust God and be patient and stay in prayer. God keeps His promises.
20. Live In The Moment
Don’t waste your time on this earth; live in the moment. Spend each day putting God first and enjoying every opportunity that comes about.
21. Spend More Time Outdoors
Find ways to spend more time outdoors enjoying God’s perfect creation. Whether it is going for a walk, or a hike, or road trip, whatever it may be. It is going to make you feel so much better, too.
22. Grow In The Faith
This year is a year of growth for our faith in God.
23. Seek His Wisdom And Guidance
Turn to God and seek His wisdom and guidance daily. Our wisdom comes from Him and our guidance is through Him, always.
24. Show More Love
Love one another, and do everything in love. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13, if you don’t have love, you have nothing. In 1 John, it talks all about God’s love and loving your brethren. In everything that you do, do it with love. Be driven by God’s love.
25. Get Creative
Why not start the new year by getting creative? You could find a new skill to try out such as painting or drawing, or even get creative with creating music. Even better, you could use these new skills or talents to glorify God.
26. Put On The Armor Of God
This is such an important time to put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6). We are in a spiritual warfare, and we need to be prepared and stay vigilant during these times.
27. Memorize Bible Verses
When you are reading the Bible, write down some Bible verses that you want to memorize. Find time in the day to go over these Bible verses to memorize and learn off-by-heart. It is such a cool way to keep God’s Word on your mind.
28. Stay In Prayer Daily
Always stay in prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Pray every day, and every night. Prayer is the most powerful and important tool that we have, as Christians. It is the direct form of communication with God.
29. Meditate On The Word
Have you ever meditated on the Word before? What does it mean to meditate on the Word? Simply put, it’s a way for you to solely focus your mind on God’s Word and His truth. You put away any form of distractions and find a quiet spot to stop, relax and concentrate on His word.
30. Never Rush Yourself
Last, but not least, never rush yourself in what you do, or the decisions that you make. God never rushed in anything that He has done, whether it be creating the world or letting His promises for His people come about. Take your time, be patient and thoughtful in everything that you do and say. When we have these spiritual goals set up, don’t force yourself to get them all done either. Allow yourself plenty of time to achieve them.
These are some of the best spiritual goals that you can set up to achieve this year, and I pray that you all have an amazing year. Allow yourself time out the day to focus on God first and to do everything in accordance to His will and not your own. Put Him first and you will never be last. Trust God, strengthen your faith in Him, and allow Him to show you all of the amazing things that he has in store for you this year.
Need more encouragement? Grab yourself a free copy of my spiritual goal worksheets to help you establish your spiritual goals for 2021!
I like that you listed several goals for Christians to work on as often I feel there are goals listed that we are already working on and then there is no room for growth in other areas talked about or mentioned if that makes sense. I definitely need to pull my journals back out!
Thank you Amber! Sounds good about getting back into journaling!
Hi. Great ideas! Thank you!
Thank you so much Jodi!
Doing a tech detox is super important for spiritual growth. You’ll get the chance to fellowship with God more, hear what Holy Spirit is saying more clearly and boost your creativity. Thanks for sharing.