5 Productive Things Christian Women Need to Do (& How to Do Them)
Do you feel that there are not enough hours in the day to get it all done? Do you wish you could tack on a few minutes to the clock? What does your schedule look like each day? Maybe you want to know what productive things Christian women need to do and how to do them!
It’s very easy to feel overwhelmed with a demanding schedule and a full calendar. What do successful people do with their time? How do others manage all of this and have a very productive day? Maybe these questions are flooding your mind right now!
You perhaps wonder how other Christian women do it all and stay sane! Maybe you just want to spend your time wisely and make the most of the hours God has blessed us with. If you feel like you might be missing out on some hours in the day, this article is for you!
We will talk about five dynamite things that you can spend your time doing to be more productive and effective! With the tips in this article, you should be able to better manage your time and have an excellent family-home life balance, too!
Let’s dive right in!
Why Do We Need to Be Productive?
It’s critical that we use the time that God has given us in a wise manner! We were only gifted with a finite amount of time on Earth, so we might as well use this time the right way, right? Since we do only have a limited amount of time, we should use it productively!
You might have a big family to manage or have a career you are juggling on top of everything else. Maybe you think that there just are not enough hours in the day to get everything done! You might even feel stretched to the limit right now!
We live in a world where a lot is expected of us! While we might not have to plow a field before the rooster crows, some of us have many children and a spouse that are quite demanding of our time and attention! Let’s try to give them everything they want by being super productive!
Productive Things to Do and How to Do Them
Organize Your Time With God
Your quiet time with God is the time that you spend with the Almighty in prayer, meditation, Bible reading, study, or other spiritual activity. Make the most of this time, as we often don’t get enough of it, especially for those of us who keep a very full schedule!
Think about spending eternity in Heaven with God! That’s a good portion of your time – in everlasting terms! If you “tithe” the hours in your day to spend that time with God, you will need to spend approximately two and half hours a day with Him!
That may sound like a lot of time when you have so many responsibilities, but is it really?? It’s only 10% of your time that you are devoting to the Lord! That isn’t much! In fact, that’s just the bare minimum!
If you find it difficult to devote 10% of your time to God, think about your day. After all, you can pray at any time about any subject! That counts!! Work on memorizing scriptures throughout the day – at soccer practice or walking at the mall!
Any time that you devote to your spiritual life would count. If you are unsure about how you spend your time, consider tracking it for a day! You’ll probably soon see pockets of time you have available that you did not realize were free!! You’ve got this! Here are some wonderful ways on how to spend more time with God.
2. Plan Ahead
Having a list, keeping a calendar or schedule, and writing in a planner are all productive tasks you can do during the day to hold yourself accountable to the many things on your agenda! Maybe you’ve tried doing these things but gave up too soon!
How can you manage checklists, schedules, and calendars easily? Consider an organizer or software program like Trello. Trello is a free program online that you can use no matter where you happen to be! Create checklists, manage calendars, and more!
Regardless of how you manage to tame your schedule, be sure to make time for what is important – family, friends, church, and your relationship with God! Figure out what works best for you when you run through these options, and you’ll soon find a solution!
3. Learn Something New
Successful women often spend their time in wise ways. If you wish to be productive and successful, find ways to manage your time that will double the value. You might wonder how you can do such a thing! There are many ways to fill your calendar productively!
Check out a useful podcast, watch a tutorial video on how to do something you need to do on YouTube, or listen to a motivational sermon while driving or getting ready for the day. When waiting in line, answer emails or declutter your inbox or online files!
If you often find yourself with additional time while waiting for your kids to get finished with activities, learn to make the most of the time by enrolling in online classes or learning a new language! Read a book online while in line at the supermarket!
4. Help Others
Successful women stay busy; they don’t allow the devil to gain a foothold by having too much idle time. This might mean that they need to get involved with a children’s hospital, animal shelter, or a local homeless shelter or soup kitchen!
Productive women understand that they must budget their time wisely, and they know that those in need are important! Therefore, these women often find ways to get involved in charity work or volunteer work. Many even get their children to chip in!!
If this is an area that you are struggling in, be sure to check out some local volunteer opportunities or talk to your church’s office for ways you can get involved. If you reach out, you will find a place where you belong and feel that you are making a contribution!
5. Network or Socialize Regularly
A final way that busy women stay productive is through socialization or networking. It’s very beneficial to make Christian friends or get to know other people, making valuable “connections” in your life. You never know how you might impact another’s life!
If you have not met the right people at your child’s events or at church activities, find a new avenue to meet people. A part-time job, community college class, or volunteer opportunity might be just what you need!!
The truth is, what do you have to lose by joining a new activity? The worst that can happen is you do not have a good time and do not go back! That’s easy enough! The best that could happen is you make lifelong friends!
These people could make quite a difference in your life and change things up for you – in a good way! Plus, you could make a difference in the life of someone else – someone you would never have thought twice about, perhaps! Make connections today!
Final Thoughts
The hope is that you now fully understand five productive things Christian women need to do and how to do them! Maybe one of them will improve your life in a positive way!
Just remember that you don’t have to “do it all” – even though the mentality of the world is that women must do this! You are one of a kind, “an original,” and can certainly set boundaries, limitations, and a schedule!
Consider adopting one of these things in your busy schedule to shake things up! Let’s see if we can’t help you become more productive than you have ever realized you could be!! I have all the faith in the world that you can accomplish this if you set your mind to it!
God bless you on your journey to a more productive day!!
Written By Michele L Kelsey.
Michele L Kelsey is a Biblical scholar, freelance writer, and owner of Sharing Life and Love – a Christian website dedicated to helping people become the best versions of themselves as they grow spiritually and through recovery. Read more on her website!
Great post! I liked the tips that were suggested. I really loved the phrase, “Productive women understand that they must budget their time wisely”! We don’t often think of our time as something that needs to be budgeted but its so true.
Yes absolutely! Thank you for your comment LaRissa!!