5 Valuable Lessons I Have Learned Whilst Being A Single Christian
To all the single Christians out there, Happy New Year! Welcome to the Year 2022! I pray that this year will be an amazing one for you! Do you have any goals for the year? Check out my post on spiritual goals that you can set out to achieve in the new year.
Lately I have been reflecting upon all of the different lessons I have learned in the year 2021, and what are some important things that I can share with you to encourage you on your walk with Christ.
My Latest Achievements
One of the key things that stands out for me is the amount of work that I put in to ensure that I worked on my anxiety and mindset. I truly made sure that I wouldn’t get so easily anxious or afraid over certain things, and to continue to have a more positive and Christ-like mindset.
There was also plenty of times where I continued growing and maturing in the faith. I started actively reading the Bible every day, starting right from Genesis and would take notes to truly soak in all of the goodness behind the scriptures.
Another thing that I have done so well in is letting go of any kind of negative thoughts or beliefs about being single, and making sure that I wouldn’t be consumed with a sense of loneliness. It has been over 5 years now since I left my abusive ex and became single, and there have been so many valuable lessons that I have learned during my season of singleness.
Valuable Lessons Learned Whilst Being A Single Christian
These lessons are so important for other single Christians to learn about and set out to achieve as well.
Being single isn’t the end-all-be-all.
Feeling lonely is normal, but you cannot let it consume you or make you feel as though you need someone to fill that sense of loneliness.
You are single for a reason, and you are not falling into the trap of these tempting worldly, fleshly desires for a reason as well.
Being A Single Christian Has Its Advantages
A short while after I left my abusive ex-boyfriend, I actually wanted to get back into the dating scene again. I was actively seeking to be with someone else and would feel attraction towards a few guys that I was speaking to. But this wasn’t the right thing to do for me, and I soon figured that out.
There needed to be time to heal, and to make sure that I would never get myself into that kind of situation again.
I would have this desire to get back into the dating scene without any knowledge or understanding of the Biblical standards of dating and marriage, nor did I have any kind of standards set up to protect myself.
What I mean by this is that there are Godly standards when it comes to dating and marriage. These standards are written in the Bible, and are important for people to have before opening their heart up to someone else. It is ESPECIALLY important for someone like me who had been through so much physical, emotional and spiritual abuse before.
Check out my post on God’s Standards For Dating and Marriage here.
This is why being a single Christian has its advantages. There is a time and place for everything. Right now, you are single because it is God’s Will for you to go through this season of singleness. Perhaps it is to protect you, or to encourage you to focus more on God and less on wanting to be with someone else. Maybe you’re not ready, and there is more for you to learn.
Here are the 5 valuable lessons I have learned whilst being a Single Christian:
1. I Am Loved By God
I am loved by our Creator, our Heavenly Father. His perfect love is so important to me. Even if I am feeling alone, I am not really alone, because I always have Jesus and His perfect love in my life.
2. Patience Is Key
Being patient is of paramount importance when going through a season of singleness. It is never okay to rush things, especially when it comes to dating and marriage. God never rushed when He created the world and everything in it. He could have created the world with the click of a finger, but instead He took His time, and created everything in 6 full days. He certainly did not rush things when He created you either.
So why is there an urgent need to be with someone? Are you trying to fill a void of loneliness or unhappiness? Because you cannot depend on someone else to fill that void. If you are feeling lonely or unhappy, then you need to turn to Jesus.
You cannot jump into a relationship with someone and expect for them to resolve all of your issues. That is why being patient, taking time to heal and work on yourself, and your purpose in life is more important than just going into a new relationship and expecting things to fall into place thereafter.
3. Establish Healthy Boundaries and Godly Standards For Dating and Marriage
Do you have healthy boundaries and standards set up in place? (So you won’t get hurt or get involved with someone who is no good for you, and could hurt you?) What are you doing to protect yourself and to guard your heart?
Do you know what to look for when finding a Godly man to court? You need to learn more about the qualities of a Godly man, and the standards that he should have before you consider courting the man. You also need to know about the attributes of a Godly woman so that you will be able to fulfill God’s desires He has for marriage.
Learn more about establishing healthy boundaries and Godly standards here.
Here are 17 attributes of a Godly woman.
4. Do Not Lead With Your Heart
The Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 that the heart is deceitful above all things. Never lead with your heart. Always focus on God and His Will and His plans for you in your life. Do not let your heart lead you astray. Focus on God above.
5. Be Content and Happy
If there’s one thing I learned for certain over these past five years is to be content and happy with myself and my life. I have learned so much about myself over these few years and there has been a lot of personal growth and spiritual maturity.
That is why Paul preferred for Christians to be single, because you get to spend more time with God and as such there is more time for learning, correction, growth and maturity in the faith.
I truly hope and pray that what I have shared with you today will help you feel content and reassured in your season of singleness. Being a single Christian is great because it means that you get to spend more time on God and keeping on the straight and narrow.
Grab A FREE Copy of My S.O.S (Season of Singleness) Pack
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✔ Scriptures For Single Women
✔ Prayers To Embrace Your Season of Singleness
✔ Prayers For Your Husband
✔ Attributes of a Godly Woman (Proverbs 31 Woman)
✔ Positive Affirmations
✔ Inspiring Quotes For Single Women
Love no.5 it’s so true it really is about being content and happy in whatever season we are in because love isn’t somewhere out there, it’s inside each of us. He’s with us. We are already part of the greater love story ever told 🥰
This is so perfect for Valentine’s Day coming up!
So many people who are single struggle with it. I actually loved my single life for the reasons you listed. I was doing everything on my time and was able to help with ministry more.