7 Important Reasons Why Christians Should Not Celebrate Halloween
Halloween is just around the corner, and now is a good opportunity to discuss the TRUTH about Halloween and answer the question, “Should Christians celebrate Halloween?” But first, let’s take a look at what really is Halloween.
What Is Halloween?
Halloween is a satanic holiday that is celebrated on the 31st of October each year. The origin of Halloween comes from the Celts (people from Western Europe) who held an annual festival called Samhain. During this festival, which was held at the end of Summer, there were sacrifices made to their false gods. It was a Druid (Celtic priests involved in witchcraft) tradition.
They believed that there were boundaries between the dead and undead, and that spirits could come into the world. These demonic beliefs are shared and practiced by the occult (people who actively believe and practice in mysticism, sorcery and magic).
These people believed that Samhain (the ‘god of death’) could scatter evil spirits into the world to attack humans by playing tricks. Humans would dress up to disguise themselves and hide from these evil spirits.
Christians who lived during these times would be in hiding because they were the ones targeted by these pagans to take and sacrifice to their gods.
Druids would go to your house and put writings all over your place to get demons to mess with you. They would knock on your door and say ‘trick or treat’. The treat represented someone giving them another member of their household to sacrifice, and if you refused, they would say trick. This is where they would make you participate in certain weird games, and if you survived, they would let you go.
One of the games was where they heated up water to about 200F, and put apples into the water. Sound familiar? If you could grab one of these bobbing apples, you were free to go. Many people died or ended up dismantled from playing these wicked games.
Halloween Traditions
- Masks and costumes were worn by Ancient Celts to avoid being recognised by evil spirits
- People in England on All Soul’s Day (2 days after Halloween) would give out pastries in exchange for prayers for dead relatives (‘trick or treat’)
- The color black represented the death of summer, and orange symbolizes the crops
- Jack O Lanterns (carving scary faces into potatoes and turnips) were made to ward off the evil spirits
How Is It Celebrated Today?
Many of these pagan traditions have become modernized, as a way to trick people into thinking that celebrating Halloween is ‘no big deal’ and is ‘fun’ for children. From dressing up, to knocking on strangers doors and saying ‘trick or treat’, to playing different games that originated from the time of the Celts and Druids; it was and always will be evil.
“Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, himself, declared that by dressing up, either by wearing a costume or coloring oneself in celebration of Halloween, signifies that you allow Satan to own you. He further said that when you adopt the pagan practices, you subconsciously dedicate yourself to the devil. He took joy in Christians who take part in the tradition saying, “I am glad that Christian parents let their children worship the devil at least one night out of the year. Welcome to Halloween” (Reference from Meer website).
Reasons Why Christians Should Not Celebrate Halloween
Death Has Already Been Defeated
Halloween is a celebration of sacrifices and death. Death has been defeated by Jesus Christ when He died on the cross for our sins, and rose again 3 days later.
“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:55-57).
2. Everything We Do is to Glorify God
We, as Christians, represent the body of Christ. Everything we do in our lives should glorify Him. We were created to glorify God. Halloween does NOT glorify God. It gives worship to the devil.
1 Corinthians 10:31 – “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God”.
1 Corinthians 12:27 – “Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular”.
3. We are the Light of the World
We are the light of the world. We have the light of Christ shining inside of us for others to see. Celebrating Halloween is in opposition of what the light of Christ represents.
“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16).
4. Christianity and Paganism Do Not Mix
We don’t celebrate the dead, demons, the occult or darkness; we worship the Creator of this universe, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Christianity and paganism do NOT mix. It is not Biblical to participate in witchcraft, idolatry, and paganism, to do these evil things if they’re celebrated at a Church or to rebrand evil and make it good, or to fit in to this world.
Isaiah 5:20 – “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
5. Obeying God’s Word is MOST Important
The Bible tells us to not participate in these evil, demonic traditions. God condemns these things, so why do Christians celebrate them this one night in the year? The Bible says NO to: witchcraft (Exodus 22:18. Deuteronomy 18:10-12), ghosts (Leviticus 19:31), vampires (Leviticus 7:26-27), idolatry (Exodus 20:3-6).
6. We are Called to Stand Out
We aren’t called to fit in as Christians, we are made to stand out. We are in this world but are not of this world. Anyone who is a friend of the world is an enemy of God. Celebrating this holiday to ‘fit in’ is a horrible excuse to celebrate evil. You cannot walk with Jesus whilst holding satan’s hand.
1 John 2:15-17 – “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever”.
7. Nothing About This Holiday is Good
There is nothing about this holiday/tradition that is good. It is all evil. Regardless of people modernizing it and making it seem innocent such as children dressing up and receiving candy from their neighbors, or carving into a pumpkin. But when you learn the origins of these traditions and the evil demonic beliefs that go with it, you cannot change evil into good. You cannot make something that is of the devil, that worships death and sacrifice to false pagan gods as something that is Biblical or righteous for Christians to participate in.
Final Message for Christians
We do not celebrate Halloween in this household, and I encourage you to do the same. Death has already been defeated by Jesus. Once you start to look at the origins/history of this holiday and where the traditions came from, you will soon realize that everything about Halloween is satanic. We are not have no part in such wickedness.
Stay encouraged,
God Bless.
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Hi. Great post! Yes. I agree. Halloween celebration and other “modernized things” seem to be glossed over too easily as being “okay”.
Thank you Jodi!
I really enjoyed the post about Halloween
Are you able to give me the name of the person who wrote that? So powerful
Thank you Andy. I wrote this blogpost.
Thank you for the encouragement and information. I’m encouraged to love my children through remaining faithful to our Lord and Savior because of your Frank and loving article. It’s can be hard when you don’t have the facts yet but the Spirit within you says it’s bad. Well now I know much more clearly WHY it’s so with my spirit. Thanks again!
Of course! Thank you!
I hope that information helps us glorify Jesus as Savior and Lord. I love this advice and my family as well.
Thank you Donna!
Hello I agree with your post. We should not participate or have anything to do with Halloween. For years I’ve been turning my outside lights off & closing my blinds, making it look like no one is home. Some are in the opinion that we should not give in to keeping our homes dark because we are to let our lights shine for Jesus. How are we to do this? Some hand out tracks. I personally don’t think that is an effective way to shine our lights. That’s still participating in the evening, maybe not the way the treaters are wanting or expecting.
Thank you for your comment Patricia!
I’m curious how you handle the disappointment of your children. I have 3 boys and the subject of Halloween comes up almost daily all year round. They are devastated that they are not allowed to participate. Last year we hosted a worship night and invited other families with children. This year we plan to do the same and hope it helps the boys to realize that they have friends in the same situation. I have explained why a hundred times. We’ve watched videos about it as well. It’s made no difference in their desire to participate.
This was an informative article and you have a great question. I’m in the same situation, although my oldest understands and doesn’t mind. The worship night is a great idea! My advice is to just keep holding firm and don’t give in. Telling our kids no is love – albeit tough love.
I think at first they are disappointed but when they see they aren’t missing anything- we always did a fun evening and they got their favorite candy when it was on sale. I believe it is important early on to stress we keep evil out of our homes- books, pictures, anything else that looks like the Occult. I always told my kids just because everyone is doing it doesn’t make it right.
Halloween is a Christian holiday. You are spreading misinformation.
You are a liar just like the devil. Halloween was never a Christian holiday. Stop spreading lies Cornelius. Which Christianity are you talking about?
Halloween has never been a Christian holiday. I have family member who are Wiccan- it is one of the high holy days for them. Anything but holy since Wiccan is satanic. https://www.history.com/topics/halloween/history-of-halloween
Yep, exactly right.
When this message gave scripture to back it up, I really appreciated that. I don’t and won’t celebrate Halloween. While I was reading this my church family is celebrating “trunk or treat” in the house of God due to rain. They don’t realize they are setting that building up for demonic activity. I will surely be prayerful tonight and tomorrow as we go to fellowship. People, especially the body of Christ don’t take demonic activity seriously. I pray for the eyes of their understanding to be enlightened so they can know the truth. God help us in the body of Christ to know the difference between the lies of Satan and the truth of Jesus Christ. Too many play with things that they don’t honestly understand spiritually. Even leadership plays with evil. Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. The word of God is truth. Amen!
None of this is factual and is purely your opinion along with some bible verses that you cherry picked to “support” your opinion. You do realize that Christmas was borrowed by Christians from pagans? Its pagan roots are to celebrate the winter solstice. Halloween is merely a celebration of harvest.
As an adult that missed out on Halloween as a kid because of the brainwashing that is conservative religion, I wish my parents had risked participating in these “demonic traditions” and just let me be a kid!
But you do you.
Well said Harry
Thank you!! Did any of these “Christians” actually look up the history of Samhain and not just follow some scared Christian?
Seems as though her faith is bigger than her fear, she’s simply choosing to excersise her integrity and be honourable to God. You do you.. But me and my house, we will serve the Lord. And stuff our faces
with discounted candy the day after and give thanks for our harvest and enjoy pumpkin treats. Praying for us all…
Wicca and Samhain
A broad revival of Samhain resembling its traditional pagan form began in the 1980s with the growing popularity of Wicca.
Wicca celebration of Samhain takes on many forms, from the traditional fire ceremonies to celebrations that embrace many aspects of modern Halloween, as well as activities related to honoring nature or ancestors.
Wiccans look at Samhain as the passing of the year, and incorporate common Wiccan traditions into the celebration.
In the Druid tradition, Samhain celebrates the dead with a festival on October 31 and usually features a bonfire and communion with the dead. American pagans often hold music and dance celebrations called Witches’ Balls in proximity to Samhain. ——————Bible commands us not to have anything to do with appearance of evil. I Thess 5:2. Avoid witch craft- Leviticus 19:31 witches were put to death Leviticus 20:27
To all who say that this is cherry picking and still think it’s ok to celebrate Halloween, and you ignore what the word of God says, ask this question….if Jesus Christ came to earth on Halloween, do you think he would dress up as a ghost or a monster, or a serial killer, or worse yet, as the DEVIL and go to a Halloween party or take small children trick or treating?
If you think about that the answer is clearly NO. And Jesus is the Way the truth and the LIFE. He is our example. Follow Christ and stop celebrating Halloween.
My friend,
I understand your take on Jesus appearing on October 31st. I would like to point out that there is a simple way to solve all of this. As I continue to speak, I shall do so with kindness and love.
While the celebration of the antagonistic areas of Halloween is an acceptance of these “demonic practices,” with the ruling out of pagan house decoration (as well as sinful costumes), I’m sure Jesus would laugh and enjoy the idea of children dressing up as hot dogs or bananas.
For those unfamiliar with Halloween practices, oftentimes families will leave a bowl of candy outside the front stoop and ask passerby’s to “Take 1 please.” Sometimes these passerby’s simply dump the bowl into their share, and ignore the instruction. As Christians, we are not to throw the Gospel at people along with 3:16, rather, we are to give others a glimpse of what heaven is like: Going out and acting like Jesus by showing (not telling) the fruits of the spirit. This applies to “Taking 1,” and showing Jesus all 365 (366) days of the year.
In Today I realized Halloween is about death and horror and haunting. How could a Christian want to partake of such darkness.
But how do I in a house where husband and daughter do not share in my faith glorify God?
Any ideas friends?
Great article reaffirms my decision
Hi, I used to let my kids dressed up and decorate, carved pumpkins, take them get candy; then I started getting closer to my faith, I’m a Christian Catholic when I finally learned about the history of Halloween I was shocked; then I stopped to celebrate, I explained why it was not be celebrated at our house, they respected my decision, we’re the grown up, so what we do it has to be to protect their souls, Satan and the evil don’t rest.
I’ started teaching teens preparing them for their confirmation and I talked to them about, why nobody should celebrate Halloween and I found your article and that’s very helpful and good 👍
Genuinely just curious as to why people don’t feel the same about Christmas and Easter with their pagan roots as well?