7 Important Things Christian Women Need To Stop Doing
Today I had a moment to think about all of the things that I personally need to change in my life, and I thought that this will encourage other Christian women to reflect the same. We are all on our own individual paths in life, but one thing that we all should have in common is our faith in God. The Bible even says that we should be of the same mind when it comes to our understanding of His Word and judgments (1 Corinthians 1:10).
When we become born-again, we embark on this new journey with Christ. Throughout this journey, we will face many trials and tribulations, hardships and spiritual warfare. We will come across many battles in the spiritual realm, as well as ones inside of us (in our minds).
Over these past seven years as being a born-again Bible-believing Christian, I have gone through a lot. In these past few years alone, I have truly focused on working on myself, bettering myself, for the glory of God. I was in an abusive relationship for a few years, and I had to build myself back up from the ground up. So, let’s take a look at some of the things that Christian women need to stop doing.
Here are 7 things that Christian women need to stop doing:
Christian Women Need To Stop Being “Too Busy”
Have you ever made the excuse that you are “too busy” to do something? For example, you’re too busy to sit down and read the Bible, or say a prayer, or go to Church. This attitude that we create is going to deter us from focusing on what is most important: God. Yes, we may have busier days than others, but we need to make sure that we prioritize God, for He comes first, always.
Take a look into creating a new routine that incorporates spending time with God. Even if it is only for 10 mins in the morning and evening, that is still something at least.
2. Christian Women Need To Stop Caring About The Opinions of Others
This is SO important. Women tend to care too much about what others think about them. We are so negatively influenced in this world about how we are to dress, look and act. This is something that we need to stop doing. The opinions of others do not matter to us. Our worth is not found in this world or in anyone else. Our worth is found in Christ alone. It is up to us to determine that.
This is something that I still struggle with to this day. I don’t know why because honestly I carry a “who cares” attitude most of the time. But deep down, when I really reflect upon it, it’s still something I need to work on. People will come and go in our lives, but the one person who will always be there for us, no matter what, is Jesus and He died for us. He sees us for who we truly are. He sees that we are worthy and wonderful.
3. Christian Women Need To Stop Obsessing Over Your Appearance
This is another struggle that women face each day. We become so obsessive about our appearances/looks. We often modify ourselves to look like someone else. Every day we are bombarded with what the world tells us to look like, dress, act etc. But we shouldn’t be obsessing over or worrying about how we look. God makes no mistakes. He created us all so uniquely. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. We are part of God’s creation, and God’s creation is not something to be hated. We need to learn to love and accept ourselves for who we are, for how we have been created. Stop worrying about trying to look like the next Kardashian or whoever is most famous nowadays for their looks.
Learn to embrace your true self. There is no one else like you!
4. Stop Making Prayer/Bible Study An ‘Option’
Like I have said before, stop making yourself too busy to be able to find time to spend with God. Prayer and reading the Bible should not be an option in your life. Prayer and Bible study should be of paramount importance to you. The Bible says to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17; Philippians 4:6). And the Bible is the word of God. If you are wanting to grow in the faith and hear more from God and His Will for you, then start by reading what He has to say.
5. Stop Being Influenced By The World
As I mentioned before, there are so many negative influences in this world that we get so caught up in, such as ones to do with our appearance. As Christians, we are in this world, but are not of this world. This world is run by the devil, and we should not want any part in what the world has to say about us.
Anything that is brought to our attention, we must take into careful consideration, before we go ahead and let it influence us. For instance, if there is something in this world that goes against the word of God, we definitely should not partake in it or entertain the idea of it. As I often say; “follow the Word, not the world”.
6. Stop Worrying So Much
I don’t know about you, but I am a worry-wort! I worry so much, and I have anxiety, too, which is a double whammy! I know that God tells us to not worry, to not be afraid, to be strong and of good courage.
In the Bible, it says do not be afraid, 365 times, which is a reminder for each day!
I grew up with parents who worry a lot, and now I am a mother myself, and it doesn’t seem to get easier. We all struggle with our own mental issues, and that’s okay. It’s not always as simple as saying a prayer or reading scripture, to make it all go away. It takes time. It takes persistence. It takes dedication to truly working on changing your mindset and attitude towards life.
Nonetheless, here I am saying, stop worrying so much. It really isn’t good for our mental health and wellbeing. Anything that you start to worry about, or feel concerns over, give it all to God in prayer. Take time to settle yourself down, take deep breaths, say a prayer, perhaps write it down in a journal, and trust that God is going to handle it for you. I know that it is easier said than done, but this takes time and hard work to win this battle in the mind.
God tells us to be content in all things. Whether we are truly struggling, or being persecuted, or going through hardships, He tells us to be content. The story of Job is such a fantastic example of this. Job was stripped of everything that he had and owned, but his faith became stronger than ever before and God blessed him with more children, and other riches in his life.
7. Stop Being Driven By Your Emotions
Women are such emotional human beings. I, myself, can definitely agree with this. Even as a mother with raging hormones sometimes, it is a fact that women are very emotional. The reason why I am sharing this with you is because we should never let our emotions overtake us, or negatively influence us to make decisions that are not wise for us, or our families. The Bible says that the heart is deceitful above all things. We should not be led by our hearts. When we need to make important decisions in our lives, we need to think clearly and rationally. We cannot get too caught up in our emotions.
Not to say that emotions are bad, but there are many times when we can get too overwhelmed and cannot think clearly or see things for how they truly are, because of said emotions. We can easily get upset, or anxious or angry even, and it is these emotions that we need to keep intact before making important decisions. These emotions, if entertained too much, can damage our relationships with others. If we are too driven by anger, or getting easily upset, it can hinder our progress with building relationships with others, or our families.
God tells us to be angry and sin not (Ephesians 4:26; . There are times when it is okay to be angry; it is called righteous anger. But then, there are times where we are angry for other reasons that aren’t going to help us think clearly and rationally (Ephesians 6:4).
Dear Christian Women
I truly hope and pray that this advice encourages you today. Please know that you are worthy and loved by God. He cares for you and is always there for you. No one is perfect. We still struggle with sin and other difficulties in our lives. The beauty in all of this though, is that we have Christ as the head of our families, and our lives. He will direct us and guide us to where we need to go and who we need to be.
I would love for you to check out my Christian apparel store! Wear your faith; clothe yourself with dignity!
Amen on all of it – more God, less us!
I agree, I have to watch even the righteous anger..
Wonderful list. Thanks for sharing
These are all great things to work on. It is a wonderful list of habits to improve upon.
Thank you Marysa!
Great tips that all women can implement into their lives. It’s so important that we learn to appreciate the smaller things in life.
Thank you so much Anasha!
A lot of this is just really good advice in general. We all need these reminders!
Thanks for saying Jasmine!
This list is Spot on! With God by our side, everything will be alright.
Amen, Sonia!
This is such a great list. We all need to appreciate the smaller things in life.
For sure!
wonderful list of things everyone can work on to make their lives better.. I try not to worry about things I cannot control as a rule and that helps me a lot for sure
Yes absolutely!
I couldn’t agree more on the one about worrying about their appearance. Less means more and you can always appreciate natural beauty.
Amen to that Fatima!
This list is so true and very encouraging. My struggle is worrying too much and I am trying my best to trust more in my faith than fear.
Me too!!
Thanks for sharing this list. Important to think about.
Thanks Danielle!
Thanks for sharing this! I definitely resonated with the first one.
Oh, good!
This is an amazing post! So useful and insightful! 🙂
Thank you Lynn!!