7 Powerful Ways A Christian Woman Builds Up Her Home
We are living in a time where there is such uncertainty. Spiritual warfare is at an all-time high. There are so many events happening around the world that symbolize birthing pains in the end times. Although I do not believe we are living in the end times (as depicted in Revelation), we are definitely experiencing some intense spiritual warfare among brethren.
Now is the time more than ever to talk about how we as Christian women should be building our homes, protecting our families and standing strong in The Lord. It is so important for Christian mothers in particular to raise Godly children in such an ungodly world.
There is a pendulum shift and it is happening in our favor. More and more people are becoming awake and aware of what is going on in the world, and being more open about God and the Bible and receiving the Gospel.
How Christian Women Are To Act In This World
Just remember – we are in this world, but we are NOT of this world. We must continue to share the gospel with others, and be the light of Christ in this world, shining in the darkness. We will go through trials and tribulations. There will be many hardships in our lives. The Christian walk is an uphill battle. This is why we must stand strong in The Lord. We must never go against our beliefs, or stoop down to the ways of this world, especially those that contradict God and His Word.
Continue to grow and mature in the faith, walking on the straight and narrow. Follow in the footsteps of Christ. Never lose sight of who you are and who you belong to. You are a child of God, so act like it, walk like it, talk like it and be the shining example of how Christian women are to be in this world. Let others see you and go, wow, I see Jesus in her.
Attributes of a Godly Woman
There are so many different attributes of a Godly woman that we can take upon ourselves, to help us build up our homes, and raise our children in this world. When we think about a Christian woman who builds up her home, we often turn to Proverbs 31. The Proverbs 31 woman is such a great example of how, we, as Christian women, are to be.
From being faithful and trustworthy (Proverbs 31:11), fears God (Proverbs 31:30), raising Godly children (Proverbs 31:28), working hard for The Lord (Proverbs 31:19, 21), to being a wise and kind woman and wife (Proverbs 31:23, 26), too.
Read more about the 17 attributes of a Proverbs 31 woman here.
The Difference Between A Christian Woman and A Worldly Woman In The Home
“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised” – Proverbs 31:30
There are some clear differences between being a Christian woman and a worldly woman in the home. For example, the Christian woman fears the Lord and has her foundation in Christ alone. All that she does is because of her faith. She is led by The Lord who helps her set Biblical standards in the home.
“A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing” – Proverbs 9:13
A worldly woman looks up to others in this world. She bases her beliefs upon the ever-changing, ungodly morals and standards in society. She is easily influenced by others and does not have a care in the world about God and His Word. Her foundation is like that of sand. Her home is eventually going to come crumbling down. We do not want to be like this worldly woman in the home.
“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise” – Proverbs 12:15
A Godly woman seeks wisdom and knowledge from the Lord. She is not afraid to ask for help or to seek guidance on how to live her life. A worldly woman takes matters into her own hands. She sees her life differently. She does not seek correction or wisdom from God. This woman could be living a life that simply does not please God, however, in her eyes, she is right in what is she is doing; in the decisions she is making.
“It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house” – Proverbs 21:9
Ladies, be slow to anger. I know that a lot of women can be easily agitated, aggressive even, and stressed out, especially in a relationship/marriage. But do not let this anger and frustration affect your marriage/children. For it is better to dwell in the corner of the house than with a brawling woman. A brawling woman can crush the foundations that a man has set up for the household. It can destroy the peace, unity, joy and support system that should be there for all couples, and their children too.
Give it all to God in prayer. Lay it down at Jesus’s feet. If you have an issue with anger, then you need to correct it.
For the worldly woman, unfortunately she may not see that her behavior is wrong. It is only going to lead a path of destruction, if she continues on being angry and lashing out at others for it.
7 Powerful Ways A Christian Woman Builds Up Her Home
Let’s take a look at the many different ways a Christian woman builds up her home.
A Christian Woman Builds Up Her Home With Love
The Christian woman builds up her home by showing love (and grace) towards others. The love that Jesus shows for us is the same kind of love that she shows towards her family – unconditional and everlasting. There is no need to be mean, or nasty towards her husband and children. She has no ulterior motives. This woman genuinely loves and adores her family and wants to help provide a wonderful life for them.
By showing true love towards her children and husband, there is unity in the home. There is no unnecessary arguments or bickering. Everything can feel safe and secure and no need to hide anything (whether it is their thoughts or feelings). Everyone is free to express themselves without any kind of harshness.
2. A Christian Woman Builds Up Her Home With The Fruits Of The Spirit
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law” – Galatians 5:22-23
The fruits of the spirit are a wonderful way to guide us on how we are to behave as Christians. In particular, when raising children and building a home for them, it is important to have the fruits of the spirit as personal qualities of ours. There are 8 qualities mentioned in the scriptures. For example, the Christian woman shows love, joy and peace towards her family. She is patient (longsuffering), which is a very strong virtue to have when building the home and raising children. This woman is gentle, good, faithful, and shows meekness (submission – towards her husband and to God) and temperance too (has self-control – whether it be against certain sins, alcohol/smoking/drugs, or anger).
3. A Christian Woman Builds Up Her Home By Being A Strong Prayer Warrior
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” – Philippians 4:6
It is of paramount importance to have a powerful prayer life in this world. By being a strong prayer warrior, you are always talking to God and laying your problems at the feet of Jesus, trusting and knowing that He Will help you. You are faithful and trusting towards God, knowing that He will hear and answer your prayers in His perfect timing.
Being a strong prayer warrior also means that you can take bad news well. If things don’t go your way, or your prayers aren’t answered the way you wanted them to, you can handle it. You aren’t going to be so crushed or distraught.
“Pray without ceasing” – 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Praying over your home, over your children/family, and staying in prayer to God is essential for building up a home.
4. A Christian Woman Builds Up Her Home By Fearing The Lord
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction” – Proverbs 1:7
A Christian woman can build up her home through Godly wisdom. And in order to receive said wisdom, you must fear God. Fear is the beginning of knowledge.
Having a healthy fear of God means that we honor and respect the Lord and want to serve and please Him. We want to follow His commandments and lead a spiritual life (not because we have to but because we truly want to). And in doing so, we are encouraging our family to walk in the same footsteps, having a spiritual life too.
You don’t despise wisdom and instruction, or even correction you. You acknowledge that you have flaws, and you still sin and fall short of the glory of God, but you are determined to live a righteous life that please Him. Part of honoring God and leading a spiritual life is creating a safe, Godly home that the family can live in. There is peace, unity, support and joy. There is no mean or harshness, criticism, putting others down etc.
5. She Builds Up Her Home Through Submission
“Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God” – Ephesians 5:21
As a wife, you are to submit to your husband. He is the head of the household, the same way that Christ is the head of the Church. Submission is a beautiful thing and when a wife submits to her husband (and they both follow Christ), the marriage will be wonderful.
Even if you are not married, we should all be submitting to God. Submitting to God means that we want to do His Will in our lives. We choose to follow in His footsteps, rather than taking the lead ourselves in our lives. We want to actively listen to Him and obey His Words.
God created each and every one of us and knows what is and isn’t best for us. He has created us with a unique plan and purpose for our lives. When we submit to God and want to do His Will in our lives, then everything works out for the better. Everything works out for His purpose and glory (Romans 8:28).
6. She Builds Up Her Home Through Wisdom From God
“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him” – James 1:5
“The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge” – Proverbs 18:15
We all have access to the most amazing book in the world that answers so many of life’s questions and is a complete guideline for how we are to live our lives. It is the Bible. Unfortunately, so many people take God’s Word for granted. We don’t read it often enough, or at all. It sits on the bookshelf, collecting dust, for many. We can’t always comprehend what God is saying, or what He is trying to tell us in the scriptures. Some of us give up on the idea of trying to learn from the Bible.
But we need to have a different attitude about this. For so many people in the world, they would do absolutely anything to have access to the Bible. We take His Word for granted.
There is so much truth and knowledge in the Bible. You can gain so much wisdom and understanding by studying the scriptures. It really is a manual on how we are to live our lives. The Bible is a guideline for how to raise our home, our children, how to have a Godly marriage etc. Study the Bible and transform your lives through His Word.
7. She Builds Up Her Home Through Strength From God
“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” – Isaiah 40:31
We are weak, but God is strong. He gives us the strength to endure all hardships and to continue on the straight and narrow. It is through His strength alone that we are able to live righteously and do that which pleases Him.
We can build up our homes through God’s strength. There are going to be challenges that we will face. We will all go through spiritual warfare, especially in the home, within the family. But we must rely on God, and know that in times of weakness, that is when His strength and power shines through.
Final Thoughts
Simply put, this is how you build up a home in such an ungodly world. You fear God, submit to Him and obey His Words. Gain wisdom and knowledge from the Bible and apply it to all areas of your life. Be slow to anger, and show the fruits of the spirit in your actions and words towards others. Be kind, loving and supportive like Jesus. Lift up your family and children in the home.
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