The Best Self-Love Tips For Christians
Self-love is an important concept for everyone to know, understand and engage in. It is a journey that someone takes to learn to love and accept themselves for who they are; for how they have been created. This is also a time to find their worth. Self-love is all about making sure that we love ourselves for how we have been created and to never change ourselves to become someone or something that we are not. More importantly, when practicing self-love, we should be focusing on doing things that encourage positive changes when learning to love and accept ourselves for who we are.
Christians Don’t Really Practice Self-Love
The problem is that a lot of people, in particular, Christians, do not believe or think that self-love is important, and therefore do no practice self-love. Some might not even know what it is exactly or even care to incorporate it into their lives. Self-love, like self-care, is an important thing for us, as Christians, to understand and practice. It is a life-long journey into loving ourselves as we are, and treating ourselves the way that we want to be treated, (and the same way that we treat others too). We deserve the same love and attention that we give to others.
There is a misconception that self-love is unbiblical, selfish or unnecessary. Self-love IS Biblical (Matthew 22:36-40). It is NOT selfish. It IS necessary. It is all about learning to see yourself the same way that God sees you.
There are so many different ways to practice self-love. In doing so, it is going to help you feel so much better about yourself, both on the inside AND out. Practicing self-love will encourage you to embrace your true self, and love and appreciate God’s creation, because YOU are created in His image (Genesis 1:26-27).
Why Is This The Case?
I can understand that not every Christian will agree with the concept of self-love being biblical and important. It is also something that is not commonly spoken about in the Christian community/Churches. This is why I wanted to talk all about self-love here.
God created us in His own image, and His creation is never something that can be hated. We are to love God and His creation. Therefore, we are to love ourselves. We shouldn’t be changing ourselves to become someone or something that we are not. God took the time to make us all special and unique. We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).
The second issue is not being able to understand how to practice self-love as a Christian. There is a worldly perspective to what self-love is and how to practice self-love, but what is the Biblical perspective? Check out my best tips below.
The Best Self-Love Tips For Encouraging Christians To Start Practicing Self -Love
First and foremost, you to make sure that you put God first in your life (Matthew 6:33). With everything that you do, make sure that you focus on God first. Every thought that we have, decision that we make, God needs to be number one. This is going to help you grow closer to God, as well as focus on the Biblical concept of self-love rather than be negatively influenced by the worldly perspectives.
Once we put God first, we are going to put Him at the center of our self-love journey. When we grow in the faith, and read our Bible, we start to learn more and more about who God is and what His personality is like. We learn that God created us as we are for a reason, for a purpose, and to never try to change that creation of His. Look at what is happening in the world right now when you try to change or destroy any of God’s creations?
God doesn’t make mistakes. He made you for who and how you are for His purpose on this earth and it is up to you to decide whether or not you want to love that or hate/change that.
When we become closer to God and act more righteously, the devil will attack us harder. There are many ways that he can come and attack us, and one of them is in the mind. He will try to fill your mind with lots of negative thoughts and feelings. He will try to make you feel as though you are worthless, and ugly, and that you need to change. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE DEVIL.
You need to cast down those imaginations. You need to tell the devil to leave. You need to tell those negative thoughts or feelings that you have in your mind that they are NOT true. Tell them that you are a child of God, you are a daughter of the king, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are worthy. You are strong. You are beautiful. Nothing can separate you from God’s love.
Fill up your mind, body and soul with the word of God. Read your Bible daily. Study the word and show yourselves approved (2 Timothy 2:15). Listen to an audio bible or worship music. Read some Psalms when you are feeling down. Stay encouraged with the Word of God. God’s Word is amazing, and His love is perfect.
Have you got a best friend? A supportive group of friends or family members that can keep you motivated on your self-love journey? Surround yourself with people who are on the same path as you; people who are equally yoked with your beliefs. These people are going to be your cheerleaders. They are going to lift you up with their sweet words and encouraging thoughts. It is going to make you feel so much better, especially when you are having a bad day.
Prayer is the most powerful tool that we have as Christians because it is a direct form of communication between ourselves and God. Stay in prayer. Talk to God and let it all out. He wants to hear from you. He wants to help you and support you with everything that you are going through. He will guide you on the right path. God is going to keep reminding you of how beautiful and wonderful you are. He loves you because He created YOU!
Subscribe to Clothed With Dignity to receive your very own free self-love guide. I go in-depth into what self-love is all about, how to start your self-love journey, finding time out of the day to practice self-love and share 30+ different self-love activities you can start today!
Subscribe, check your emails, download the free self-love guide and fill out all of the questions I have for you, and take it from there.
The Last Thing You Need To Know About Self-Love
Self-love is an ongoing life journey that we should all be going through as Christians. It is not a temporary thing. Loving yourself, accepting yourself, knowing your worth, valuing yourself and everything else related to self-love is something that we should do, believe and cherish for the rest of our lives. Just like our walk with Christ is eternal, so should our self-love journey be. We shouldn’t give up on God’s creation (which is ourselves), just like how we should never give up on our faith in God.
i am glad for the wonderful support system i have in my friends and family..
Awww so nice to hear!!