The Best Tips On How To Practice Christian Gratitude
Do you practice gratitude each day? Do you give thanks to God for all that He has done for you and provided you with? Practicing gratitude is so very important in our walk with Christ because it allows us to humble ourselves and truly see the blessings that God has bestowed upon us. It gives us a chance to feel content in all things and to thank God for everything that we have going for us in our lives.
For many Christians, I am sure that they do not know much about gratitude or even what Christian gratitude means, specifically. This is why I shared all about what gratitude is and why it is so important to show gratitude towards God, here. Gratitude allows us to feel happier, more confident, and healthier as a person because it helps us sleep better, become more productive and feel less anxious/unsure of things.
Christian gratitude is all about giving thanks to God and praising Him always. It is where we give God the glory and feel joyful and content no matter what. Our God is sovereign and there is nothing that happens in our lives without His knowledge and authority. This gives us a better of peace of mind knowing that everything happens for a reason and as long as we completely put our faith and trust in God, then we will be okay.
Now that we know what gratitude is all about, and more specifically what Christian gratitude means, let’s take a look at some of the best tips on how to practice Christian gratitude daily:
1. Practice Christian Gratitude By: Putting God First
This is one of the most important thing that we as Christians need to do once we become born-again and are saved. We must put God first no matter what. He is Our Father and our Lord and Savior. He is the one who sent His son to take away the punishments for our sins. Our sins have been made clean by the blood of Jesus. We should feel eternally grateful and appreciative of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and for God’s unconditional love, grace and mercy for us to become a new creation. By putting God first in our lives, in everything that we do each day, we are truly practicing what Christian gratitude is all about.
2. Practice Christian Gratitude By: Humbling Yourself
Get off your high horse, and humble yourself before your Creator. Don’t let pride get in the way of truly appreciating what God has done for you and given you. By allowing ourselves to be humbled before God, we start to enjoy and be thankful for all that is going on in our lives.
3. Let God Lead The Way
When we put God first, and humble ourselves before Him, it is important to then let God lead the way. He is the one who knows every single thing about us: past, present and future. He is both omnipresent and omnipotent and that is why we should trust that He knows what is best for us. There is nothing that is hidden from Him, or anything that happens without His knowing. Allow God to guide you on the right path, on the straight and narrow.
4. Give Thanks To God, Always
Oftentimes, as Christians, we will face many trials and tribulations. We will go through different hardships and even hit rock bottom. We will fall short, and we will stray from the path, but no matter what, God will always be there for us, and look after us. In both the good times and in the bad times, give thanks to God.
I was just studying the Book of Acts recently and in chapter thirteen, it talks about Paul and Barnabas preaching the gospel in Antioch and when the Jews found out about this, they raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them out of their coasts (verse 51). And you know what it said after that? In verse 52 it says that Paul and Barnabas shook the dust off their feet and were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit. In times of persecution, the disciples were filled with joy. God will put us in different situations to grow, to learn, and to change. This is why we must praise Him and thank Him always.
5. Practice Christian Gratitude By: Being Content
Learn to be content in all things. Be slow to anger, and see the joy in both the good and bad situations. Change your mindset and focus on what is going on in your life and give thanks to God each day. By letting go of any kind of negative attitude or beliefs we may have and allowing ourselves to feel content, it shows that we are being grateful for what we have.
When we put our complete faith and trust in God and reflect upon all that He has done for us and provided us with, we can truly feel grateful for the things that we have. One of the most important things to know is that when we turn to God and do everything in accordance to His will and not our own, our lives are going to be far better than when we try to do it on our own.
Take a moment to look at everything that is going on in your life and give thanks to God for where you are and who you are today. We are nothing without Him. He knows what is best for us. He protects us from what is bad for us.
Learn to appreciate the blessings that have been bestowed upon you and to give thanks to God, always.
Check out how to be a more thankful Christian here.
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Honestly, I struggle with being content but I love your perspective. I’ve been trying to focus on the good things that God has given me. I need to keep working at being more positive each day. ❤️
Awww thank you and that sounds good! It takes time and patience but you will get there for sure!
Agree 100%. I believe humbling yourself can be the most difficult for a lot of people but it is so important!
Yes so very important!
This is a great list! Putting God first helps out everything else in perspective! As “big” as that idea seems, it really helps to filter out our reactions and priorities!
Yes such a great point, thanks for sharing Shannan!
Beautiful post.
This is something I have felt over the last couple years is a growing contentment for what I’ve been given. Yes that includes even the simplest of things! Since a near death experience God has really opened my eyes to this tremendous gift of life we each have. May we use it wisely and live it with gratitude!
Thank-you for sharing!
Oh wow all glory to God thank you for sharing!
I was reading that section of Acts earlier this week! I was reminded that persecution isn’t a surprise to God- and it shouldn’t be to us, either. We can choose joy in persecution because no matter how bad it gets, we have been given much more than we deserve through Jesus. Love this!
I especially agree that trusting Him helps pave the way to feeling genuine gratitude, that and looking at all He has already done/given!
Yes! So important to have gratitude in life. 🙂
Yes thats right! 🙂
Wonderful reminders on practicing gratitude. It really is a wonderful perspective that we can grow in through the lens of Christ!
Oh yes absolutely!
There are so many reasons to be grateful in life. Reminders like this are so important.
Thank you so much for saying!
I love how you mentioned putting God first. We should be thankful for His grace in our lives.
Yes absolutely! Amen to that!
being content and grateful is so important, and definitely helps us have a more happier life
Yes for sure!!
Yess! We must be grateful everyday! Being able to get up every day and having the breath of life is amazing! We have so much especially in America we forget how much we have because we’re always hungry for more. It’s so important to practice gratitude every day.
Yes so very important to practice gratitude each day! Very well said I totally agree!!
Thanks for sharing.
We must learn to always put God first in all we do. It’s a sure first step to gratitude.
Yes that is right!
Reminder keeps us motivated and help us feel good. Thanks for these steps.
Of course! 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving! This post is so good. I especially love your point about contentment. Our society seems to breed discontent—advertisers constantly telling us what we need to be happy & social media making comparison easier than ever before. True gratitude is being content with the things God has blessed us with.
Couldn’t have said it better myself!
Practicing gratitude is great to do Christian or not.
Yes so important for everyone to practice!
We lost in life and don’t appreciate the things we have until we lose it. These are great reminders to stay grateful.
Yes, for sure!
Great tips on how to keep practicing gratitude as Christians. It is a constant practice we need to work on but it also has so many benefits for us and draws us closer to God.
Yes definitely helps us draw closer to God – Amen!
I personally struggle the most with humility. So often I feel that I ‘deserve’ more because I think I worked hard for it. When I stop to realize that everything that comes into my life is a gift from God and not something I ‘earned’, it really puts me in my place and makes me feel so grateful for the things God has given me. Thanks for the reminder today!
Awww yes it’s not earned it is a free gift so I am glad that you see things that way now and can show more gratitude towards God!
Gratitude. How difficult it is to live in this space. To stay here when so much tries to steal it away. I’m learning but it’s a life-long journey and I couldn’t do it without Jesus.
Yes I agree it is a life-long journey with Jesus!
I want to be a woman full of such gratitude. I am trying to do the things you post about so thanks for the encouragement. I pray for God to give me a truly grateful heart.
Of course ! Thank you! I am praying for you too, Yvonne!
I never thought about contentment being associated with gratitude, but I so see how it is! This is a great post. Thank you so much for sharing it. It’s like a roadmap toward gratefulness. I saved it and will refer to it. I just found a app that I loveAnd I’ve been using it to journal gratitude every day.
I once heard a preacher say that practising gratitude is the path of sanctification. It is intriguing to think, that despite our wealth in the Western world, we have become so ungrateful and take God’s blessings for granted. So, a very relevant post for every Christian to read!
I totally agree that humility and contentment are two crucial things we need to practice genuine gratitude. Thank you for this helpful list!
Such a great list! I especially love the emphasis on being content. Especially as the world continues to be shut down and we are denied the way of life we long to have. Being content in any and every situation is so important!
God has truly done so much for us, and we haven’t even seen all of it, yet! We can surely find much to be thankful for, if we just stop negative thoughts for just a second. I agree that thankfulness has great power for good in our daily lives and in our walk with God.
I owe everything to God and whenever I feel like life is going a way I didn’t expect, I leave my trust in Gods hands.
Such an encouraging post. I especially love your tip on putting God first as a key to developing Christian gratitude. Putting God first definitely alters our perspective and reminds us all we have to be grateful for.
God grants grace to the humble. How important it is to develop such an attitude!! Gret post. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Practicing Gratitude is so key right now especially when it seems like everything is falling apart. Gratitude has helped me so much in desperate times when it was hard to be grateful.
Your last point about being content is so important. Trying to teach my two pre-teens this, but it’s not easy. I suppose every parent struggles with this, lol. Through the years, God has taught me to be grateful for what I have and not focus on what I don’t have. Lately, though, I’ve failed in this and needed your words today. Thank you!
Gratitude truly is a lifestyle even more than it is an attitude, isn’t it? Living our lives praising and worshipping God brings about changes in our behavior that He finds very pleasing. Beautiful post sweet sister …