How To Find Your Identity In Christ
When you look in the mirror, who do you see? What do you think of yourself? Where does your identity lie?
You probably haven’t been asked this before, but these are important questions to ask yourself. Women often struggle with their identity, how they fit in to society, and what they’re supposed to look like, and how to act around others. We tend to lose ourselves in this fallen world, when there are so many negative influences that overwhelm us.
Society pushes the ideas of how women should dress, act, think, look and so on. It causes a lot of pressure for many, especially for teenagers as they go through bodily changes and struggle to figure out who they are and their purpose and reason for being here.
I have gone through this struggle many times throughout my life since I was a young teenager. I have tried fitting in, standing out, changing my appearance to look like someone else, acting a certain way to mingle with certain crowds without realizing that who I am is who I need to be.
But who am I? Who is this person that is staring back at me in the mirror? What is my identity? What is my purpose and reason for being here on Earth?
It isn’t until we truly find Christ, that we learn to find ourselves. It isn’t until we turn to our Creator to understand that He created us so perfectly and uniquely and who we have become is this wonderful creation of God’s. We are His masterpiece. We are made in the image of God. We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
This isn’t as easy as it seems. All of this self-image is in the mind. We have to change our mindset to be able to let go of what society wants us to become, to let go of any kind of negatively worldly influences that have been dragging us down, and to come to the realization that God is real, He created us, He loves us, and His son died for us, for our sins.
So, how do we achieve this kind of positive mindset towards our identity? How do we find our identity in Christ?
Finding Your Identity In Christ Means To Know Who You Belong To
Who do you belong to? (aside from your parents). You belong to God. You are a Child of God. You are a daughter of the King. God formed you in your mother’s womb, and created you to be the person that you are today. There is no longer a need to find out who you belong to once you are saved and know that you belong to God. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image, and are another perfect creation that He has made in this world. We are part of God’s family.
2. Know Who You Truly Are
When we become born-again, we are a new creation unto God. We have been given a chance to start again. Our slate has been wiped clean with the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for our sins. Our identity is not in this world, and it is not in something that we have tried to create for ourselves. We belong to God and once we know who we truly are, then we have found our identity in Christ alone.
God has created each and every one of us with a unique purpose on this Earth. Some people may find their purpose faster than others. But, as long as we no longer validating ourselves with worldly influences and desires, and focus on our Creator who made us as we are, then we can prioritize following God and His Will for our lives.
3. Love And Accept Yourself For Who You Are
This is hard for many of us to come to terms with because, as I mentioned before, finding our identity can be a struggle for many women. It seems harder for us to just love and accept ourselves for who we are. So many of us try to cover up ourselves with makeup to hide our true beauty, because we want to look pretty. We might dress a certain way to gain attention from others. The list can go on.
But God never made any mistakes when He created you. You don’t have to wear makeup, or dress a certain way to find out who you are. All you have to do is just be yourself. Stop trying to change yourself to become someone that you’re not. There is no one else like you in this world, so accept that and embrace that!
Learn to love and accept yourself for who you are, for how you have been created.
4. Believe In What God Says About You
Don’t allow the opinions of others dictate who you are. It is unhealthy to live your life to please others, and to follow along with these thoughts and opinions of others, who don’t even matter. Believe in what God says about you, and know that the opinions of others in this world are nothing compared to the truth of who God says you are: He made you and died for you.
This is what God says about you:
I hope that this has encouraged you today. Please know that you are God’s creation; His Perfect Masterpiece, and He loves you so much.
Need more encouragement? Grab a copy of my NEW e-book, Finding Your Identity In Christ
Great reminder: “when we no longer validate ourselves with worldly influences and desires, and focus on our Creator who made us as we are, then we can prioritize following God and His Will for our lives.”
Our true identity comes from Christ because we are complete in Him.
Thanks for sharing.
Amen and thanks so much Stella!!
Amen to that Stella!!