How To Find Your Purpose In Life As A Christian
As we head into a new year, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to talk about our God-given purposes in life. For many of us, we struggle with the concept of what our purpose is in life. Why did God create me? What am I here for? What is it that God wants me to do in my life?
For years, I would struggle with these questions myself. It took a lot of prayer and meditating on scriptures to be able to come to a point in my life where I could finally say, “this is my purpose in life as a Christian”.
God’s Purpose For All of Us
Before we look into how to find our own individual purpose for our lives, let’s take a look at some scripture on what God expects from all of us to do. God created each and every one of us with a unique purpose and plan for our lives. We are made in the image of God and were created for God’s pleasure and glory (Revelation 4:11).
Revelation 4:11 – “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created”.
When we get saved, God wants us to share the good news with others. Jesus tells us in Mark 16:15, to go out into the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:15 – “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”.
The Number One Purpose In Life For Christians
The number one universal purpose for all Christians is to share the gospel (the good news of Jesus Christ). After all, the gospel has been shared with us, and we have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior. Our sins are forgiven, and washed away with the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for all. We are forgiven, and made anew. And we want others to believe and experience the same thing – to get saved and become born-again.
1 John 2:2 – “And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world”.
God also wants us to do His Will in our lives. He doesn’t want us to follow the misleading concepts and beliefs of this world. We should be striving towards living a life where we grow closer to God, and walk with Him daily. We should also be denying the sinful desires of the flesh, and walking in the spirit, in the truth and light of Christ.
Ephesians 2:10 – “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them”.
Romans 12:2 – ” And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”.
Our Individual Purpose In Life as a Christian
As I mentioned before, God created each and every one of us with a unique purpose and plan for our lives. When we get saved, we might not understand what that is right away. For me, it took some time to get to a better understanding of what God expects of me, and wants me to do in my life.
I think it takes a lot of time, prayer, and meditating on the Word to be able to establish a better understanding of why God created me. It also takes a sense of spiritual maturity to get to where God wants you to be.
I got saved almost 10 years ago, and I wasn’t living the best life at first. But now that I reflect upon this past decade, I can now confidently say that I am in such a better place, spiritually, physically and mentally speaking. God has placed me in this position in life, at this time, for a reason (read Esther 4:14).
Never compare yourself to others. Never compare your life to another Christian’s life. You never truly know what is going on deep down. Plus, God does NOT make mistakes. He created YOU because He needed one of you in this world at this very moment for a very good reason. Focus on God first. Don’t try to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes, or try to live somebody else’s life, because it is NOT going to work out for you. It is only going to drag you further away from the Lord.
8 Tips on How To Find Your Purpose in Life as a Christian
Let’s take a look at some helpful tips on how to find your purpose in life as a Christian. These tips are helpful for both babes in Christ and even those who are more mature in the faith.
Read Your Bible Daily
2 Timothy 3:16 – “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”
Read the Word of God daily. Read the Bible with intent. Don’t merely just read it because you think you have to, or skim through it, not really taking it all in.
God’s Word should never be taken for granted. There is so much to learn from the scriptures. Pray before you read, and ask for God to show you what He wants to reveal to you in His Word, especially when it comes to finding your purpose.
2. Pray for Guidance and Direction
Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”.
Pray to God each day. Ask for His guidance and direction on what you are to do and where you are to be in your life. Lean not on your own understanding. Don’t do what you just want to do; do what God wants you to do. Submit to Him and do His Will in your life.
3. Preach the Gospel to Others
Mark 16:15 – “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”.
Share the good news with others. Preach the gospel to the lost. Go out into the world and witness to others. It is such a blessing to even be able to go into the world and share the Gospel with the unsaved. Even if you are doing this while you are still trying to figure other things out, you are still doing God’s Will in your life.
4. Be Patient
Romans 12:12 – “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;”
We don’t always get our prayers answered right away. We have to be patient and wait upon the Lord for His direction. In the meantime, read the Bible and meditate on the scriptures. Keep praying to God and focusing on Him in your life.
5. Let Everything You Do Be For God’s Glory
1 Corinthians 10:31 – “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God”.
Colossians 3:23 – “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;”
No matter what you eat, drink, wear, speak or think, let it all be for God’s glory. Do everything in your life for Christ. Let your actions and words speak life and light in this dark world. This will help you draw closer to God and give you a better understanding of your God-given purpose.
6. Go to a Good Church
Colossians 3:16 – “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord”.
Find a good, Bible-believing Church in your area that is on fire for Christ. Surround yourself with other Christians who are on fire for the Lord. These other Christians can pray for you, help guide you and support you in your quest to understanding God’s purpose in your life. Talk to the Pastor and ask him to pray for/over you for clarity on what it is that God wants you to do in your life.
7. Serve Others
1 Peter 4:10 – “As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God”.
Spend time serving others – whether it is through means of charity, praying for others, witnessing/sharing the gospel, or by other means. Be selfless in your actions towards others and share the love of Christ in your actions and words, especially when helping those in need.
8. Stay Focused on God to Find Your Purpose
Colossians 3:2 – “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth”.
Matthew 6:33 – “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”.
Keep your eyes on God. Let go of any worldly ideas or concepts you may have about how you should live your life. Let your standards on how you are to live your life be Godly. Stand strong in the Lord and in His Word. We are in this world, but are not of this world. We aren’t made to fit in, we are called to stand out.
Let God Take The Lead on How to Find Your Purpose
One of the biggest mistakes we make as Christians is taking the lead in our lives. We tend to have a certain vision for what we expect to happen, and often try to take control of it. But what we fail to realize is that God is ultimately in control. He is the one who created us. He is the one who knows what is and isn’t good for us, and what we should and shouldn’t be doing in our lives. So in order to find our God-given purpose, we need to surrender ourselves to Him and put Him first in our lives. Are you willing to take that leap of faith and let God take the lead?
Stay encouraged.
This blog post beautifully encapsulates the journey many Christians undergo in discovering their God-given purpose. The emphasis on sharing the gospel, seeking God’s guidance through prayer, and serving others resonates deeply with the core teachings of Christianity. I particularly appreciate the practical tips provided, such as daily Bible reading and involvement in a supportive church community. The reminder to let go of worldly expectations and allow God to lead in our lives is both empowering and reassuring. Thank you for this insightful and inspiring piece that encourages us to align our lives with God’s purpose.
This article provides a comprehensive guide on discovering our purpose as Christians, which is often a topic of great interest and reflection, especially as we enter a new year. I appreciate how you emphasize the universal purpose of all Christians to share the gospel, grounding it in biblical principles. The breakdown of practical tips, such as reading the Bible daily, praying for guidance, and serving others, offers actionable steps for individuals at various stages of their faith journey. Moreover, your emphasis on patience, reliance on God’s guidance, and prioritizing His glory in all aspects of life is both encouraging and enlightening. Overall, this article serves as a valuable resource for Christians seeking to align their lives with God’s purpose and will. Thank you for sharing these insightful reflections and practical advice.
Thank you for your kind comment. I am glad to hear you enjoyed reading this post. All glory to God!