How To Pray For Protection Through Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual warfare is an ongoing, daily battle for Christians where we fight against the devil and his demons. When the devil and his angels got cast out of Heaven for wanting to be like God, they now roam this Earth attacking the children of God. Why? You may ask. Because Satan wanted to be like God; he was jealous of His powers.
We are made in the image of God. We are part of God’s creation, and the devil sees that. That is why he wants to do everything he can to destroy it, and thus, attack us.
This battle that we face each day is not something that we can see, but we can still feel and experience. It is not a battle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and rulers of darkness.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).
Prayers to Put on the Armor of God
Before going into battle against the enemy, we need to put on the armor of God. What is the armor of God? The armor of God is a spiritual form of protection from head to toe that will help us get through each battle with God on our side.
The full armor of God is made up of six components: loins (belt) of truth (Ephesians 6:14), breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14), feet of the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15), shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16), helmet of salvation (Ephesians 6:17) and the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). Read more about the full armor of God here.
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Here are some spiritual warfare prayers that you can say when adding on each component of the full armor of God.
Prayer for the Belt of Truth
Heavenly Father,
I come to you in prayer today because I understand that we are in a spiritual battle with the devil. I pray that you guide me on the right path, on the straight and narrow, and encourage me to always put on the full armor before going into battle.
I pray that as I put on the belt of truth, I remember that this truth is represented by Your Word. The Bible is the truth of the one and only Living God who died for me, who saved me, and will protect me and look after me.
The truth of this world and everything in it; the truth of who I am and where my identity and worth lay, are found in Christ alone.
I pray that this belt of truth will protect me against all attacks from the devil. I understand that he will try to attack my identity and worth, because I am a child of God. But I will stand strong and in truth knowing who I am and who my Maker is.
In Jesus’s name I pray,
Prayer for the Breastplate of Righteousness
Dear God,
I pray that as I head into battle today, that I put on the breastplate of righteouess which represents the righteousness from Jesus. When we are saved, Jesus gives us His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 4:22).
We are nothing without Christ. He was the only perfect, sinless man that walked the Earth. I would rather live a life that is pleasing to you, Lord, and follows in the footsteps of Jesus, rather than an unsaved, sinful life.
Please guide me on the straight and narrow, on the path of righteousness, as I ignore the temptations of sin sent by the devil.
I will put all of my faith and trust in you alone, Lord.
In Jesus’s name I pray,
Prayers for the Gospel of Peace
Heavenly Father,
As I head into battle today, I will carry with me the Gospel of Peace. I know that true peace only comes from the Prince of Peace Himself, which is Jesus Christ. True peace is received when we believe in all that Jesus has done for us.
I pray that I will fill my mind with peace and contentment and cast out all negative, anxious thoughts/feelings in the name of Jesus. I will not let the devil fill my mind with fear.
Please help me to stay focused and not be distracted by anything that does not bring me peace.
In Jesus’s name I pray,
Prayers for the Shield of Faith
Dear God,
I pray that as I head into battle today, I carry with me the shield of faith, as a form of protection against all hits by the enemy. I pray that I see this shield as a representation of the truth of Your Word, Lord and that Your Word is more powerful than anything that the devil can do or say.
I pray for protection, Lord, and guidance as I dip into the living water, and feed myself with the truth of the Word.
In Jesus’s name I pray,
Prayer for the Helmet of Salvation
Heavenly Father,
As I head into battle today, I pray that I will put on the helmet of salvation which is salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. I know and believe that Jesus died for my sins, He was buried and rose again three days later. I am so thankful, Lord that you saved me, and you washed my sins away with the blood that Jesus shed on the cross.
I pray that I will always focus on Jesus, especially when going through spiritual warfare, and know that the victory is already won by Jesus when He was nailed to the cross.
I also pray that this helmet of salvation protects my mind from any kind of negative thoughts or feelings the devil may send my way to try and attack me and put me in a state of fear/anxiety.
I will cast out all negative thoughts and feelings in the name of Jesus, and fill my mind with positive, Godly thoughts instead.
Thank you God for all that you have done for me and continue to do for me.
In Jesus’s name I pray,
Prayer for the Sword of the Spirit
Dear God,
The final thing that I carry with me today as I head into battle is the sword of the spirit which represents Your Word, Lord. I know that you say in Hebrews 4:12 that Your Word is quick, and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. Your Word is full of truth and knowledge, and is the greatest form of protection against the devil and his demons.
I pray for encouragement as I continue to study and read the Bible each day, filling my mind with Your Word, and using this against the devil.
I pray that this sword will cut through all lies and sin that the devil tries to send my way and tempt me with.
Thank you God for this armor that I can wear each day in confidence as I know that you will always be there for me, especially in times of spiritual warfare.
In Jesus’s name I pray,
Prayers for Protection Through Spiritual Warfare
In addition to saying these individual prayers for all of the parts of the armor of God, here are some other prayers that you can say for overall protection against spiritual warfare:
Dear God,
I pray that every time I go through spiritual warfare, you help me put on the full armor so that I am protected against all attacks made by the devil and his demons. I know that you are always with me and will never leave me nor forsake me. Please continue to protect me and guide me on the right path. I pray that you send down your angels to protect my family against all evil. Please cover us with your blood, Jesus, from head to toe. I know how amazing your protection is, Lord, and how powerful your name is, Jesus, for it is the name above all names.
Thank you God,
In Jesus’s name I pray,
Heavenly Father,
I come to you in prayer today because I am struggling. This battle that I am in is bringing me down and I need your strength, Lord. When I am weak, you are strong, and your strength shines through these times of weakness. Please protect me and look after me, and my family, as we fight against the principalities and rulers of darkness. I pray that you help me win this battle, Lord, and lead me to victory. I know and believe that the victory is already ours, because Jesus proclaimed it when He was nailed to the cross. Give me the courage, Lord, and perseverance to endure all things.
In Jesus’s name I pray,
I hope that these spiritual warfare prayers I have written will encourage you today to put on the full armor of God, and to stand strong in the Lord. God tells us to stay in prayer, to pray without ceasing, and it is such a powerful tool that we have when we are in this spiritual battle against the devil. Another powerful weapon is the Word of God, so make sure that you read His Word each day so that your mind is filled with scripture that will cut through any attacks sent by the devil.
God Bless.
Need more encouragement? Grab a copy of my FREE Prayers for Spiritual Warfare (mini) E-Book and Armor of God Printable!
How beautiful these are! And also needed too! Blessings x
Thank you Lauren!