Life Lessons From Sarah: Women In The Bible Series
The Truth About Spiritual Warfare For Christians
What Is Spiritual Warfare? When someone gets saved, they enter into a spiritual battle with the devil and his fallen angels (who are now demons). This spiritual warfare is an ongoing, daily battle in both the spirit and flesh. When we become born-again, we are living and walking in both the flesh AND spirit. Our old fleshly selves are constantly fighting with our new selves to drag us back down into sin in this world. The devil toys with the flesh, trying to get ahold of us, and does ... VIEW POST
35 Powerful Bible Verses About Having Strength In God
40 Of The Best Bible Verses About Thanksgiving
40 of the Best Bible Verses About Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is coming up next month, and I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to look into which scriptures talk about thanksgiving/what the Bible says about thanksgiving. Although the Bible does not talk specifically about the traditional Thanksgiving holiday, it does, however, talk about giving thanks and praise to God. There are several mentions of the word 'thanksgiving' in the Bible, but it is more so referring to giving thanks ... VIEW POST
28 Awesome Bible Verses For Father’s Day