What Is Spiritual Warfare?
When someone gets saved, they enter into a spiritual battle with the devil and his fallen angels (who are now demons). This spiritual warfare is an ongoing, daily battle in both the spirit and flesh. When we become born-again, we are living and walking in both the flesh AND spirit. Our old fleshly selves are constantly fighting with our new selves to drag us back down into sin in this world.
The devil toys with the flesh, trying to get ahold of us, and does everything he can to scare us and tempt us into a sinful, Godless lifestyle. He will send spiritual attacks to try to bring you down, and tempt you into sinning.
Why do Christians experience spiritual warfare?
Satan and his angels (demons) rebelled against God and were cast out of Heaven. They oppose everything that is of God. They oppose God and His creation, salvation and redemption. This battle that was in Heaven between God and the devil ended with Jesus being victorious over Satan when He died on the cross for our sins (Matthew 28:18; Colossians 2:13-15).
God created Hell for the devil and his angels, and so the devil knows that his time on earth is short. Satan sees you as one of God’s creations, and as such, wants to attack you, deceive you and manipulate you into turning away from God, and towards the highway to hell that he is already on.
The closer you get to God, the more you focus on your faith and not live in fear or be dragged down by sins in this world, the more the enemy (the devil) will attack you. Why? You may ask. He isn’t going to bother with those who are already caught up in their sins, living in fear, preoccupied by the distractions of this world. Satan already has a hold over those people.
The devil is angry when he sees those who aren’t driven by fear or the sins in this world. Those people who want to purely serve and please God, have the right mindset, and are walking on the straight and narrow. The ones who are getting closer to God by strengthening their faith and maturing in The Word.
The devil knows his time his short, so he wants to take as many down with him.
What is the armor of God?
When you are going through spiritual warfare, it is important to put on the armor of God. The armor of God is mentioned in Ephesians 6:10-18. It is a spiritual representation of Godly protection from head to toe that will help us endure throughout this daily warfare with the devil.
In Ephesians 6, God tells us to stand strong in the Lord and to put on this armor. Our battle is not against flesh and blood; it is against principalities, powers and rulers of darkness of this world. After all, the god of this world is satan.
Every day we have victory in Christ because of what He did for us when He died on the cross, was buried and rose again 3 days later. Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb, the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. He crushed the serpent’s head when He was nailed to the cross.
The devil will manipulate the truth of God, and thus lead you into a realm of deception, sin and disconnection from Our Creator (if you let him). Satan will constantly manipulate and attack/destroy God’s Word and His creations.
But know this: when you are getting spiritually attacked, know that you are a child of God. You belong to Jesus. Satan cannot harm you. Demons don’t have power over you. They might try to make you think that way, but it is actually the other way around. Demons tremble at the name of Jesus. When you call upon the name of Jesus, you can cast out demons in His name. Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the name above all names. Demons know that especially and must abide by that spiritual rule.
You will always have an advantage when you are in this daily battle with the devil and his demons. You have Christ on your side. So, do not be afraid – God is with you always. If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31).
How do you put on the armor of God?
The armor of God is not a physical form of armor, but rather, is a spiritual form of protection against the devil. Let’s take a look at each component of the armor of God:
The armor of God has six major components. First there is the loins with truth, followed by the breastplate of righteousness. Then there are feet/shoes with the preparation of the gospel of peace. There is a shield of faith, followed by a helmet of salvation. Lastly, there’s the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
The loins of truth (or belt of truth)
The loins of truth (or belt of truth) refers to the lower body region. Back in those days, men would wear long robes and had to tie them up to stop the material from getting in their way when going into battle.
Our loins are to be covered in truth. We need to know the truth of The Lord.
This could symbolize our identity and needing to know where our identity (and worth) are found. Our identity and worth are found in Christ alone and that is the truth. Nothing in this world will give you the answers you are looking for. Satan will attack your identity, sexuality, and value. But Jesus sets us free from all of this. He gives us true understanding of who we are and where we belong.
Study the Word of God daily. God gives us wisdom and understanding. Our knowledge comes from Him. Memorize scriptures and apply them to your life each day.
2.The breastplate of righteousness
The breastplate of righteousness refers to the righteousness that is from Christ alone. When we are saved, Jesus gives us His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Satan wants us to be trapped in sin, and to drag us away from God. When putting on this breastplate of righteousness, it protects us from being led astray by sinful temptations. Obedience to God and living in His righteousness gives us greater control over sinful desires. We prefer to and want to live a righteous life, following in the footsteps of Jesus, rather than giving in to sin.
Obey God. Put all of your faith and trust in Him alone. Do not turn to the world for any kind of help or reassurance in your life. Continue to walk on the straight and narrow, focusing on things above, and not of this world.
3. The Gospel of Peace
Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace. True peace comes from Him alone. We receive peace knowing that Jesus died for our sins; our sins have been washed away with the blood that He shed on the cross. God forgives us and remembers our sins no more.
The opposite of peace is to worry. When you feel anxious, or uncertain, fear tends to creep in. Fear is not of God, it is from the devil.
We must stand firm in what we believe in, knowing that God is with us, and will never leave us nor forsake us. He will help us and protect us.
Stay in prayer with God. Read the Bible daily and fill your heart and mind with His Word. Cast down imaginations (negative thoughts/feelings) because they are not of God. Do not entertain any kind of anxious/fearful thought. Instead, give it all to God in prayer and trust that He will help you.
4. The Shield of Faith
Roman soldiers used to carry shields that they dipped in water before battles, as a form of protection as the wet shield would wreck the darts fired at them. This can be seen as a juxtaposition to Christians having a shield of faith that they can dip into the living water that God provides. This living water represents everlasting life. When we drink of this water, we shall never thirst again (John 4:14; Revelation 21:6).
Dip into the living water (represented by the truth of God’s Word) daily. Stay in prayer always. Strengthen your faith in God by spending time with Him.
5. The Helmet of Salvation
Salvation is received when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. God loved the world so much that He sent His one and only son, Jesus, into the world to become the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. We are all sinners in this world. Our punishment for such is hell.
But through the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for us, He took the punishment for all of our sins when He was whipped, chastised and nailed to the cross. Our slates have been wiped clean with the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for us.
All we have to do to receive the free gift of salvation (which is eternal life with Him in Heaven) is to have faith in Christ alone. For someone to go to Heaven, they must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. They must believe that He is the Son of God (God in the flesh), born of a virgin (Mary) who came to Earth as a man and lived a perfect, sinless life, before being the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. You must believe that He died on the cross, and rose again three days later, and now sits on the right hand throne of God.
When you believe on Jesus, you receive the free gift of salvation which is eternal life in Heaven. You will become born-again; a new creation unto God. You will become a child of God.
This helmet of Salvation represents that Jesus is always with us, especially in our thoughts/on our minds.
Spiritual warfare occurs a lot in the mind because it is an easy way for satan to attack and send through negative/fearful thoughts/feelings.
Cast down imaginations (negative thoughts/feelings). Fill your mind with scripture. Learn to be content in your life.
6. The Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God)
The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. In Hebrews 4:12, it states that the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. The Word of God is powerful. It is full of truth and knowledge, and is the greatest protection against the devil and his demons.
Two great examples of this are when Jesus was fasting in the wilderness and satan tempted him three times. Jesus’s response was using the truth of God’s Word each time to defeat the devil.
In Revelation 19:15, Jesus has a sharp sword coming out of His mouth that He will use to strike the nations, when Him and His bride will come down to defeat the great whore of Babylon (after the great tribulation and God’s Wrath).
The Word of God is the most powerful weapon that you have against the devil, so read and study the scriptures daily. Memorize scriptures and use them to your advantages when you are getting spiritually attacked.
Spiritual Warfare Is An Ongoing Battle
Spiritual warfare is REAL. The closer you get to God and the more you act like Christ and less like this world, then you will see more spiritual attacks. But never be afraid of this spiritual battle you are in. You are a child of God. You are a soldier for Christ. You have the greatest weapon that you can use to defeat the devil at his game. You have JESUS.
Don’t let the devil destroy your peace and contentment. Whenever you are getting Spiritually attacked, know that you are on the right track. When the devil is mad, you’re doing something right! Keep your focus on God above. Put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6) each day and fight against the principalities and rulers of darkness with the light of Christ.
God Bless.
I am bless, thank you so much