The Ultimate Christian Girl Glow Up
I have been seeing this talk on Instagram about a ‘Christian glow up’ for women and I was intrigued. Basically, a Christian girl glow up is where you focus on growing in the faith. You actively choose to do lots of different things that will encourage you to get closer to God, and become more like the woman that He created you to be.
What is a Glow Up?
When you look at the general definition for a glow up, it means that someone has changed their appearance, and/or style. For example, people might dye their hair, lose some weight, change the way they dress, and even go as far as to get Botox and plastic surgeries to change their appearances.
But all of this is just a way for insecure women to hide behind a façade.
Instead of loving and embracing themselves for who they truly are, and how they have been created, they will jump on the next trend to look more and more like every other woman.
Although these changes may provide some sort of sense of self-confidence or self-worth, all of this is just temporary. These kind of women will never truly be satisfied with how they look, until they find their identity and worth in Christ alone.
Unlike the trends and social standards in this world that are forever changing, God never changes.
God created each and every one of us in His own image. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God created us all unique and special. If God wanted you to look like every other woman out there, then He would have, but He didn’t.
“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” – Psalm 139:14
What is a Christian Glow Up?
A Christian glow up is different to that of a general glow up. Instead of focusing on changing your appearance or style for self-centered reasons, you actively choose to do things that will positively encourage you to become more like Christ, and less like the world.
And since that the New Year is fast approaching, now would be such a wonderful time to invest in working on different areas of your life that will inspire you to put God first, and glorify Him in all that you do.
Get glowing with these printables!
How to Have a Godly Christian Girl Glow Up
There are a number of different things that Christian women can do that will help them glow up. Being a Christian doesn’t mean just reading the Bible and praying to God. There is more to it on our walk with Christ.
I am going to break these ideas down into different categories. Many of the things that I suggest will overlap, but you’ll get the picture.
Glow Up Ideas for the Mind
- Change your mindset
- Stop worrying (give it all to God in prayer)
- Stop entertaining negative thoughts/feelings
- Choose faith over fear
- Meditate on scripture
- Listen to worship music
- Read Biblical affirmations/declarations out aloud
- Speak life
- Fill your mind with the Word of God + Godly thoughts
“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” – 2 Corinthians 10:5
Glow Up Ideas for the Body
- Exercise – move your body each day
- Eat healthy – have a balanced, nutritious diet
- Treat your body with respect
- (Your body is not your own now as you are a child of God – your body belongs to Christ)
- No tattoos (Leviticus 19:28)
- No fornication (1 Corinthians 6:18-20)
- No self-harm
“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” – 1 Corinthians 6:19
Glow Up Ideas for the Soul (Faith)
- Put God first
- Keep your focus on God above and not the things of this world
- Read your Bible daily
- Read your Bible first thing before you start your day
- Go to Church
- Go to a Bible study group
- Share your faith with others
- Memorize and meditate on scripture
- Do all things that will glorify God each day
- Actively walk in the spirit, denying the desires of the flesh
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” – Matthew 6:33
Final Thoughts on a Christian Glow Up
I have been saved for almost nine years now, and it wasn’t until recent years that I truly focused on my faith with God. There were a lot of hardships that I encountered, and a lot of things that I went through that brought me down. I am thankful to God that He brought me out of those dark times and helped and protected me throughout all those years.
Talking about a Christian glow up isn’t something that I find trendy or for the lukewarm Christians. It is for those women who want to actively focus on doing better in their life, for Jesus, and also for their future selves to be proud of their old selves, and how far they’ve come.
Having a relationship with Jesus is the best thing that you can have in this world. But having a relationship means putting in the effort; it is a two-way street.
I want God to be proud of me. I want to hear Him say, “well done thou good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21).
We are created to glorify God. We aren’t in this world for our own selves. It’s time for us, as Christians, to encourage one another, lift each other up, and present ourselves a living sacrifice to God. We only want to love and serve Him, so let’s show that in our hearts, our thoughts and our actions. Let’s glow up together for Christ!
Need more encouragement? Let’s set some spiritual goals for the new year!
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Hi! I have recently found your amazing God inspired content. I am loving your ebooks and have printed them out plus the free resources that were printable. Is there a way I can print out your blog posts too?
Thank you so much Vanessa!
I’m excited to have found this. I will share this amazing news with women of all ages. Thanks for GOD still being popular! May you continue to be outstanding! In Jesus Christ name Amen!🙏❤️🕊🙂
Hi!! I’m Kailani and I have sorta just found this website and its already so helpful. which brings me to my next statement. So I don’t know if you answer and help people with questions but I have this problem with falling in love, some people describe me as the heart eyes emoji because I am so in love with love that I can’t love God to my fullest. I NEED HELP!!!! How do I stop falling for every guy I see and instead fall in love with God?