How To Wait On God’s Timing For A Godly Husband
I believe it has been a while since I have written about being single, and in particular, I have not actually written much about waiting on God’s timing for a Godly husband/marriage. But here I am.
Over the past few years, I have found such contentment in being single. It is such a blessing to be by yourself because you have more time for God and He can use you in such wonderful ways for His plan and purpose in your life. Take a look at Apostle Paul for example. He was never married; he was single and actually preferred it. Paul also encouraged others in the Church to stay single (if they could).
Marriage is such a blessing from God. It is a beautiful way to become one flesh with your spouse that God has chosen for you to be with. You are in a spiritual bond with them. And there are many acts within marriage that glorify God and illustrate His ultimate design for us as humans.
There is nothing wrong with desiring to get married. There is also nothing wrong with wanting to stay single. But I am here today to encourage you in the faith as a single woman who is waiting on God’s timing for a husband.
God’s Timing (For A Husband) Versus Our Own
I have been single for almost 7 years now, and as I start to enter my 30s, I have started thinking about marriage once again. These past few years I would be enjoying my life so much as a single woman and finding the joy in life without the wants or needs for a husband. Not to say that the thoughts weren’t there, per say, but rather, it wasn’t something that I kept praying about or actively desiring in my life at that point.
There seemed to have been a recent shift in my mind about desiring a husband again. I’m not sure if it was because I turned 30 this year, or if my heart-felt desires have changed.
The beauty in my personal walk with Christ over these past 7 years of singlehood is that I came out of an abusive relationship, I worked on breaking that soul tie with that person, and focused more on growing in the faith and learning to be content as a single Christian.
It was very hard at first, don’t get me wrong. There was so much that I needed to learn. I had stockholm syndrome. I had such a different mindset towards my past relationship and it really affected how I saw myself, and how I saw this person, too.
There was years of personal development, with the help of God Almighty, as well as my best friend, who helped me change my mindset about this person I was with, the person that I was versus the person that God created me to be, and thus become, and then shift the focus from finding someone else to be with (because I felt alone and was used to being with someone) to finding complete happiness and contentment with my own company.
Now let me tell you, that was SUCH a hard journey. But God.
Everything that I went through was absolutely necessary to get to where I am today. Not only did I have to trust God in the process, but also trust His perfect timing.
Why Should We Rely On God’s Timing For A Husband?
When we rely on God’s timing and not our own, everything is going to work out for the best, BECAUSE God knows what is best. He knows what is and isn’t best for us. He is in control. God is omnipotent and omnipresent. He knows every single thing about us – past, present and future. So when we try to take matters into our own hands, we are shifting the focus from a faith-led decision to a self-led decision that would honestly be driven by the flesh, and not the spirit.
Every day we should be walking in the spirit (Galatians 5:16-26), put on the new man (Ephesians 4:24), and denying the flesh and all of its desires. So when you are alone, and you haven’t gotten your mind right about being happy and content as a single Christian, your fleshly desires are going to be stronger than your spiritual self. But once we are able to win these battles against the flesh and say NO to those desires, we are focusing on what truly matters which is God and His perfect plan for our lives.
God Knows Our Heart and Desires
Yes, it is true! God knows our heart. He knows our desires. If you are desiring to get married, then pray on it and trust that God will hear and answer your prayers in His perfect timing.
Never take matters into your own hands. Never say to yourself, look I have been single for so long now, or I am getting lonely, let’s just go out into the world and find someone to be with. WRONG. This is going to lead you to a world of hurt. This, I know!
When I was fresh out of my last relationship, I was talking to guys and having this desire to want to be with someone else; someone new. I did not know any better. All I thought to myself was, okay, that relationship ended and so let’s look for a new one.
But do you see the problem in that? You need time to heal. You need time to focus on God’s plans for your life. You need Jesus to be first in ALL areas of your life.
Put Jesus First
Jesus was in my life but I did not put Him first. Jesus was with me, but I was not doing my part. The relationship that I was in was not what God has planned for me. I was living life my own way, making choices that fed the flesh and starved the spirit.
You need to take a look at your life and know that having Jesus in your life is the UTMOST important thing. If you are feeling lonely or sad or really wanting to just rush things essentially in order to be with someone, to be married, then you need to just take a big step back and take some deep breaths and get into your prayer closet. Only Jesus can fill that void. Only Jesus can help you with what you are feeling and going through.
Do not be deceived – the heart is deceitful above all things. Do not follow your heart. Give it all to God in prayer. Let Him know what you want and desire in your life. Trust that He will guide you on the right path and keep you in a perfect place in this season, until you are ready for marriage.
How To Stay Content In This Season of Singleness
Being content with being alone also means that you are happy to wait (as long as it takes) to be physical with someone once you’re married. You don’t have any kind of sexual urges that you need to fulfill, and you have truly won over the battle with this sin (which is lust, fornication and so on).
A big part of coming to this level of contentment as a single Christian is loving yourself for who you are, and knowing your worth. You would never compromise your worth to be with someone who doesn’t deserve you; to settle with someone who isn’t your soulmate sent by God.
You value yourself, your body, your worth, your everything about you. You see yourself the same way that God sees you, and love yourself the same way that God does.
Get into some personal development with the Lord. Ask your friends to pray for you. Enjoy the season that you are in. There is so much to learn from it.
Here are 8 ways to be content in your season of singleness.
Things to Work On Whilst Waiting For Your Future Husband
In this season of waiting, there are plenty of things that you can do and learn during this time. Something that I have been learning throughout this season is being content in all areas of my life.
There are many other things that I have learned and been working on as well such as my anxiety and other things that will shape my characteristics into more of a Godly woman/future wife. For example, when we look at the Proverbs 31 woman, there are many attributes that we can strive towards in our own lives, that will help shape us into becoming a Godly woman.
These attributes, among others that are mentioned throughout the Bible (Galatians 5; 1 and 2 Peter, Titus 2) encourage us to be less like the world and more like Christ. We want to become better versions of ourselves; ones that God created us to be.
Be More Christ-Like
As Christian women we want to strive towards becoming a stronger, more faithful and bold warrior of Christ. We want to walk in the spirit daily, easily casting down imaginations and cutting off any fleshly, worldly desires. These spiritual battles that we face each day become easier to win, and help shape our character and resilience against the attacks of the devil.
When you get married, things become more intense in the spiritual realm. Satan hates the concept of a Godly, Christian marriage and will do everything he can to destroy. That is why it is so important for us women (who will become gatekeepers of our homes) to stand strong in The Lord each day, putting on the armor of God, and fighting against the principalities and darkness in this world.
If we have the attributes of a Proverbs 31 woman, the fruits of the spirit and many other Godly characteristics mentioned throughout the Bible, we can become this amazing person that Christ created us to be, and become such a wonderful Christian wife and woman to our Husband.
In marriage, things will intensify. Anything that you are struggling with, it can exacerbate. This is why it is so important to focus on improving in any areas of your life in this season of waiting and to try not to bring so much ‘baggage’ so to speak into a marriage, because your husband cannot fix it, only Jesus can. You cannot rely on or depend upon your spouse to fix any issues/areas in your life that you, yourself, need to work on. And what better way to work on them then in this season that you are in right now.
12 Ways to Confidently Wait on God’s Timing for a Husband
Without further ado, here are 12 ways that you should be doing now to be able to confidently wait on God’s timing for a Husband.
Read Your Bible Daily
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” – 2 Timothy 2:15
This is such an obvious one to do, but it is also so very important. Keep reading your Bible each day. Focus on God first. Spend time with Him each day, nourishing your soul with His Word. Really dive deep into the scriptures and learn more about who God is and what He wants you to learn each day from His Word.
2. Have A Strong Prayer Life
“Pray without ceasing” – 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Always stay in prayer. Never stop praying. God is always listening to you and answers your prayers in His perfect timing. Having a strong prayer life will help you to become a strong, powerful Christian.
No matter what you are going through, God is just one prayer away. No matter what obstacles you are facing or other things you have to endure/overcome, if you have a strong prayer life and a strong foundation in Jesus, then you have nothing to worry about.
Once you realise and believe the things that God can do; the things that God can use you for; the type of prayers that can be answered by Him – you will always want to stay in prayer with The Lord.
3. Meditate On The Scriptures
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer” – Psalm 19:14
Write down your favorite scriptures, or ones that are about waiting on The Lord, and meditate on them. Read them out aloud each day. Fill your mind with these scriptures. Really soak it all in. God’s Word is so powerful and so meaningful and important to us.
4. Go To Church
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” – Colossians 3:16
Go to Church each week and be in the house of The Lord. Be amongst other Christians who can encourage you and lift you up in prayer. Listen to the sermons and really take in what the Pastor is saying. Continue to grow and mature in the faith, because our faith is what is most important in this life.
5. Fast
“Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:” – Joel 2:12
Fasting is a wonderful way to seek clarity on certain things that you need confirmed from God in your life. It also does wonders on the body health-wise. If you are struggling with unanswered prayers or need confirmation on something, especially when it comes to waiting on The Lord for a future husband, definitely spend some time fasting.
6. Get Others To Pray For You/With You
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” – Matthew 18:20
Prayer is so powerful, especially when two or more people are gathered together in prayer. It is so important to have a network of friends that can pray for you, support you, encourage you and lift you up in different areas in your life.
7. Learn To Be Content
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” – Philippians 4:11
I have said it before, and I will say it again: learn to be content in all things in your life. Contentment with Godliness is great gain. Paul was content. He went through so many trials and tribulations; he was imprisoned for his faith, and yet all he wanted to do was to continue preaching the gospel to others. Paul put God first in all areas of his life, and found true contentment no matter what he was facing. And we can do the same, too. We can find peace, joy and contentment in all areas of our lives – it’s all a choice.
8. Practice Patience
“Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him:” – Psalm 37:7(a)
Learn to be patient and practice patience in your life. We should not be working on our on clock. If you think, oh I am 30, and I haven’t met anyone yet – the clock is ticking, you need to stop with this attitude. We should never rush things, especially when it comes to something serious such as marriage.
Have you ever heard the saying, “haste makes waste”? Be intentional with your time each day, and solely rely on God to answer the desires of your heart.
9. Do Some Journaling
Being alone for quite some time, and then seeing others around you get married and have families can be quite frustrating for many. You start to wonder, “why them, not me?” “When will it be my turn?”
Let all of this out in journaling. Don’t keep these negative, anxious, stressful or frustrating thoughts on your mind. Practice some brain dumping.
10. Focus On The Season That You Are In
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:” – Ecclesiastes 3:1
Ask yourself this – what can I learn in the season that I am? What does God want me to learn in this season that He has put me in? Once we shift the focus from having a self-centered perspective on our wants and desires for our future, to a more Christ-centered perspective, we will start to see things more clearly.
God has put me in this season right now to learn these particular things. He does not believe that it is time yet to meet someone and get married. So instead of getting frustrated and upset about it, let’s continue putting God first in our lives and let God guide us on where He wants us to be in life and what He wants us to learn and experience in this season.
11. Trust God’s Timing, Not Your Own
“Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD” – Psalm 27:14
God’s timing is perfect. It is never early, never late. Our timing cannot even compare.
Redirect the focus from you wanting to do somethings and have things happen in your time, to fully submitting to God’s Will and purpose that He has created specifically for YOU in YOUR life.
Wouldn’t you much rather live a life that pleases God, and fulfills His Will and purpose for you? God knows what is and isn’t best for you. He will always be there for you, watch over you, protect you, provide for you and listen to your prayers. He will answer your prayers in His perfect timing. The Lord knows all – past, present and future. You do not need to worry about a thing.
12. Make God The Centre Of Your Life
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” – Matthew 6:33
Let all that you do, be for God’s glory. We are created in the image of God, to serve and please God. So let’s break free from the wants and desires of this world, and start living a life that glorifies God each day. Let’s put on the new man and walk in the spirit, on the straight and narrow each day.
Trust me, when you put God first, and let Him be the center of your life, things are going to change for the better.
Final Thoughts on Trusting God’s Timing for a Husband
I pray that these words encourage you today to live a life that pleases God and to not worry about your future. Things will happen in God’s perfect timing and according to His Will for you in your life. Stop getting frustrated and overwhelmed, and start depending on The Lord. He is always there for you. Enjoy the season that you are in. I pray that you learn and grow and mature in the faith, and that The Lord encourages you to do such wonderful things in this season.
Be prepared before the next stages of your life begins.
Be content and enjoy the present.
I have found this page a blessing to me in this season of waiting upon the lord for my future husband
This has been such an encouragement! Especially coming from someone who is still single. I can relate on so many levels, one of them being I’m edging towards my 30s Aswell. So grateful for you! Thank you for using your talents to share your heart on this page.
Marriage and relationship solver by Priest Leveno
My wife left me and my daughter and never returned until Priest Leveno intervened. I had marital issues with my wife which made her leave me and travel to another city. At some point I was depressed and I told my friend what I was going through and he introduced me to a strong man that helped people everywhere. I came in contact with Priest Leveno who helped me. He restored the love and connection between me and my partner and I got her back after 2 days as he promised. Just like everyone else talking about him, I am here to tell good of him and thank him for bringing joy to my life once again. He won’t fail if you give him a try to help you as well. Just text him with his email let him know what you want
Dear priest leveno, please help me I just exempted lord Jesus Krist in my life it’s about 4 to5 months now. I ask Father God for a Godly husband I finished my trials few days ago now I am waiting for Father God to bless me with husband. The thing is I have no support I need someone who can help me and mentor me I just need some one to talk tome about how to cope with waiting for FATHER GOD I am alone no friends, I only have my children and I am 66 years old mother. Thank you..
Thank you very much, it was very inspiring, I have been in a relationship with a man and he left after we planned to get married next year, iam 33 now an d has been hurt for almost six months.Thank you for giving me a positive look again
So good! A word in due season as I wait on the Lord🙏 Claiming every blessing He has for me. What a mighty God we serve ❤️