What Is A Christian Mindset?
In order to understand what a Christian mindset is, we must first take a look at what a mindset is defined as. A mindset is a set of attitudes/believes that someone has. So, when we look at what a Christian mindset is, it is a set of attitudes/beliefs that are influenced by one’s faith in Jesus Christ/The Bible.
But there is more to it than just having a set of Christian-based beliefs; it is about fully surrendering to God, body, soul and MIND. Our faith becomes the foundation for all things that we do, think, feel, act, believe and so on.
We Are New Creations
When we are saved, we become born-again. We are made a new, as we become a new creation unto God. Although we are still living in the flesh, we have the spirit of God dwelling inside of us. “The body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness” (Romans 8:10). As such, we are led by the spirit of God, and therefore our mind is aligned with God and His Will for us.
But, on our Christian walk, we will face many trials and hardships. We will be tested, and there will be some trying times when we are doing our best to walk in the spirit (our new selves), but are still fighting against the flesh (which represents our old selves). This is what spiritual warfare is, and spiritual warfare can often happen within the mind.
The Old Vs New Self
Because we are still living in the flesh, we are at constant war with our old selves, wanting to fall back into sin and live in the flesh alone, in this world. A lot of times, we get a lot of negative thoughts in our minds that can drag us down, and negatively influence us into sinning. The devil tries to mess with us in more ways that you can imagine. One of the ways that he can get through to us, is putting those negative thoughts and beliefs in our heads, to try to twist us into living a life of sin, or falling back into our old ways, that Jesus saved us from.
The first time we read about the devil trying to mess with someone’s head is in the garden of Eden where the serpent whispered lies in Eve’s ears. He encourages her to eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, promising her lies such as her becoming a god, and that she will never die. When Eve falls into the trap of entertaining and following along with what the serpent told her, she eats the fruit, and then becomes absolutely mortified at what transpires thereafter.
Spiritual Warfare
This is what we want to avoid and to overcome. We want to be able to create a positive Christian mindset in order to beat the devil at his games. It is imperative that we do not entertain his thoughts in our minds anymore.
The devil knows that the best way to attack is to corrupt our minds. But just know that God is always victorious and we are His children. We are more than conquerors (Romans 8:28-39). Remember that.
God gives us the strength to endure all hardships for He is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1-3). He never promised that things would be easy, but He does tell us that He will always be there for us to help get us through whatever obstacles we have to get through in our lives.
Spiritual warfare is an ongoing battle for Christians, and once you are able to conquer the battle in your mind, you will be able to endure so much more. This is why it is so important to strengthen our faith in God!
How To Create A Positive Christian Mindset
We have to let Christ be the center for our thoughts/beliefs in our mind. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 2:16 that we have the mind of Christ. This means that we share the same perspectives and understandings of God’s plans and purpose for us. It also means that we share the same kind of compassion, obedience and need for prayer as Jesus.
The Mind of Christ is where:
- Your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God (1 Corinthians 2:5-8)
- Your wisdom comes from God (verse 7)
- You have received the spirit of God who teaches us by comparing spiritual things with spiritual (verses 12-13)
- You have the ability to spiritually judge all things (and have spiritual discernment) (verses 14-15)
Cast Down Imaginations
When we are setting Christ as the center focus for all of our thoughts, we then have to cast down all negative thoughts that are not from God. Paul tells us to cast down imaginations that go against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5). It isn’t simply a matter of trying to ignore the negative thoughts/beliefs that enter our mind, but rather, making sure that we cast them out so we do not leave room to entertain them.
Practicing this daily will help improve on bettering your mindset and making sure it is a Christian-led mindset.
Worldly Mindset
The mindset of people who live in this world and for the world is the opposite to a Christian mindset. People who are unsaved, and live in this sinful world are being negatively influenced by our society. The world does not teach proper Christian values and beliefs; it teaches you that there is no God, and that you are solely in control of your own life. Morality is subjective and based upon an ever-evolving society. There are no spiritual repercussions for your sinful actions, and there is no life after death.
The mindset of those in this world is purely cardinal. The mindset of a Christian is spiritual.
- Those who are in this world and are not saved by Christ are of a cardinal mind. They are of the belief that you essentially work yourself to death. Once you are dead, that is it.
- Many people do not believe in God and with schools taking out God, many children are brought up with the same belief. The world will drag you down, away from our Creator.
- Sin is promoted on the daily. Evil is all around us. Satan is in control of this world, and it is getting worse and worse as more and more people turn themselves away from God, and start to live for themselves in their sinful nature.
- Churches aren’t what they used to be. Many have gone woke, and very liberal, not upholding the true values and teachings of The Bible/Jesus.
Christian Mindset
Those who are saved have the spirit of God within them. They are led by the spirit and have a Christian mindset.
- They believe in life, in God, in peace, in eternal life in Heaven.
- There is life after death
- There is punishment for your sinful actions
- There is love, grace, mercy and forgiveness for those who come to Christ and get saved
Follow the Word, NOT the world. Live a life that is pleasing to God and follows His Will. Fill your mind with the love of Christ and cast down those negative thoughts/imaginations. Do not entertain the devil for even a second. You have the strength of God to endure all hardships. Put on the armor of God and fight your battles knowing that God is with you each and every step of the way.
Stay encouraged,
God Bless.
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Amen. Thankful that He has given us all we need to “overcome the world.” Thank you for this wise and encouraging word.
Of course and amen!!